public interface DesktopManager
Method Summary | |
void | activateFrame(JInternalFrame vframe)
This method should give focus to the JInternalFrame and its default focus
void | beginDraggingFrame(JComponent frame)
This method should be called in preparation for dragging. |
void | beginResizingFrame(JComponent frame, int direction)
This method should be called prior to any resizeFrame calls. |
void | closeFrame(JInternalFrame frame)
This method should remove the JInternalFrame from its parent.
void | deactivateFrame(JInternalFrame frame)
This method should be called when the JInternalFrame gets deselected and
subsequently loses focus.
void | deiconifyFrame(JInternalFrame frame)
This method should remove the JDesktopIcon from its parent and replace it
with the JInternalFrame that the JDesktopIcon represents.
void | dragFrame(JComponent frame, int x, int y)
This method drags the given JInternalFrame to the given x and y
void | endDraggingFrame(JComponent frame)
This method should be called after dragFrame calls. |
void | endResizingFrame(JComponent frame)
This method is called to signify that the resize is finished. |
void | iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame frame)
This method should remove the JInternalFrame from its parent and replace
it with a JDesktopIcon.
void | maximizeFrame(JInternalFrame frame)
This method should maximize the JInternalFrame to match its parent's
void | minimizeFrame(JInternalFrame frame)
This method should restore the JInternalFrame to its normal bounds.
void | openFrame(JInternalFrame frame)
This method will cause the JInternalFrame to be displayed in the set
location. |
void | resizeFrame(JComponent frame, int x, int y, int width, int height)
This method is called to resize the given JInternalFrame to the given
void | setBoundsForFrame(JComponent frame, int x, int y, int width, int height)
This method does the actual work for reshaping the JInternalFrame.
Parameters: vframe The JInternalFrame to activate.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to prepare for dragging.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to resize. direction One of eight directions specified by SwingConstants.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to close.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to deactivate.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to deiconify.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to drag. x The new x coordinate. y The new y coordinate.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame that finished dragging.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame that just finished dragging.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to iconify.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to maximize.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to minimize.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to open.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to resize. x The new x coordinate. y The new y coordinate. width The new width. height The new height.
Parameters: frame The JInternalFrame to resize. x The new x coordinate. y The new y coordinate. width The new width. height The new height.