Provides a collection of cross-platform user interface components.
See: Description
Interface Summary | |
Action | Provides a convenient central point of control for some task that can be triggered by more than one control in a Swing user interface (for example, a menu item and a toolbar button). |
BoundedRangeModel | The data model that represents a range that is constrained to fit within specified bounds. |
ButtonModel | The data model that is used in all kinds of buttons. |
CellEditor | Provides edit capabilities for components that display cells like {@link JTable}, {@link JList} and {@link JTree}. |
ComboBoxEditor | Provides edit capabilities for {@link JComboBox}es. |
ComboBoxModel | The data model for a {@link JComboBox}. |
DesktopManager | DesktopManagers are responsible for implementing the behaviours for the JInternalFrames that belong to JDesktopPanes. |
Icon | Defines the methods that an object must implement if it should be used as an icon in Swing. |
JComboBox.KeySelectionManager | Classes implementing this interface are responsible for matching key characters typed by the user with combo box's items. |
ListCellRenderer | Renders the cells of a {@link JList}. |
ListModel | The data model that is typically used in {@link JList}. |
ListSelectionModel | A model that tracks the selection status of a list of items. |
MenuElement | Defines the methods that any menu element in a {@link JMenu} must implement. |
MutableComboBoxModel | A data model used in {@link JComboBox}es that keeps track of the components data and provides methods to insert and remove elements from it. |
Renderer | This interface is not used and exists only for compatibility. |
RootPaneContainer | Components that contain a single {@link JRootPane} as only child implement this interface, typically this is implemented by the Swing top-level containers. |
Scrollable | Defines the method that a component should implement to behave nicely in {@link JScrollPane}s. |
ScrollPaneConstants | Defines some constants that are used in {@link JScrollPane} and related components. |
SingleSelectionModel | A data model that is used in components that support at most one selected element, like {@link JTabbedPane}, {@link JMenu} and {@link JPopupMenu}. |
SpinnerModel | The data model that is used in {@link JSpinner}s. |
SwingConstants | Defines constant values that are used throughout the Swing packages. |
UIDefaults.ActiveValue | Used for lazy instantiation of UIDefaults values so that they are not all loaded when a Swing application starts up, but only the values that are really needed. |
UIDefaults.LazyValue | Used for lazy instantiation of UIDefaults values so that they are not all loaded when a Swing application starts up, but only the values that are really needed. |
WindowConstants | Defines some constants that are used in Swing's top-level containers. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractAction | A base class for implementing the {@link Action} interface. |
AbstractButton | Provides an abstract implementation of common button behaviour, data model and look & feel. |
AbstractButton.AccessibleAbstractButton | A Java Accessibility extension of the AbstractButton. |
AbstractButton.ButtonChangeListener | An extension of ChangeListener to be serializable. |
AbstractCellEditor | An abstract superclass for table and tree cell editors. |
AbstractListModel | Provides standard implementations of some methods in {@link ListModel}. |
AbstractSpinnerModel | Provides standard implementations for some of the methods in {@link SpinnerModel}. |
ActionMap | Maps arbitrary keys (usually Strings) to {@link Action} instances. |
BorderFactory | A factory for commonly used borders. |
Box | A component that uses a {@link BoxLayout} as Layout Manager. |
BoxLayout | A layout that stacks the children of a container in a Box, either horizontally or vertically. |
Box.AccessibleBox |
Provides accessibility support for Box es. |
Box.Filler | A component that servers as a filler in BoxLayout controlled containers. |
Box.Filler.AccessibleBoxFiller |
Provides accessibility support for Box.Filler . |
ButtonGroup |
Logically groups a set of buttons, so that only one of the buttons in
a ButtonGroup can be selected at the same time. |
CellRendererPane | Paints the cells of JList, JTable and JTree. |
CellRendererPane.AccessibleCellRendererPane | Provides accessibility support for CellRendererPanes. |
ComponentInputMap | An {@link InputMap} that is associated with a particular {@link JComponent}. |
DebugGraphics | An extension of {@link Graphics} that can be used for debugging custom Swing widgets. |
DefaultBoundedRangeModel |
The default implementation of BoundedRangeModel .
DefaultButtonModel | The default implementation of {@link ButtonModel}. |
DefaultCellEditor | The default implementation of {@link TableCellEditor} and {@link TreeCellEditor}. |
DefaultCellEditor.EditorDelegate | This changeable module access the editor component in the component specific way. |
DefaultComboBoxModel |
A model that stores a list of elements and a selected item (which may be
null ). |
DefaultDesktopManager | The default implementation of DesktopManager for Swing. |
DefaultFocusManager | This class has been obsoleted by the new {@link java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager} and {@link java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager} API. |
DefaultListCellRenderer | The default implementation {@link ListCellRenderer}. |
DefaultListCellRenderer.UIResource |
Subclasses DefaultListCellRenderers and implements
{@link javax.swing.plaf.UIResource}. |
DefaultListModel | The default implementation of {@link AbstractListModel}, used by {@link javax.swing.JList} and similar objects as the model of a list of values. |
DefaultListSelectionModel | The default implementation of {@link ListSelectionModel}, which is used by {@link javax.swing.JList} and similar classes to manage the selection status of a number of data elements. |
DefaultSingleSelectionModel | The default implementation of {@link SingleSelectionModel}, used in {@link JTabbedPane}, {@link JMenuBar} and {@link JPopupMenu}. |
FocusManager | This class has been obsoleted by the new {@link java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager} and {@link java.awt.DefaultKeyboardFocusManager} API. |
GrayFilter | Produces grayscale images out of colored images. |
ImageIcon | An {@link Icon} implementation that is backed by an {@link Image}. |
ImageIcon.AccessibleImageIcon |
Provides the accessibility features for the ImageIcon
class. |
InputMap | Maps {@link KeyStroke}s to arbitrary objects, usually Strings. |
InputVerifier | Verifies the user input on a component before the focus is shifted. |
InternalFrameFocusTraversalPolicy | A {@link FocusTraversalPolicy} that provides the additional capability to determine a {@link JInternalFrame}'s initially focused component when it is selected. |
JApplet | A top-level container that is usually used in web browsers. |
JApplet.AccessibleJApplet |
Provides accessibility support for JApplet . |
JButton | A general purpose push button. |
JButton.AccessibleJButton | Accessibility support for JButtons. |
JCheckBox |
A small box that displays a check or not, depending on it's
selected state. |
JCheckBoxMenuItem | A menu item that displays a checkbox. |
JCheckBoxMenuItem.AccessibleJCheckBoxMenuItem |
Provides the accessibility features for the JCheckBoxMenuItem
JCheckBox.AccessibleJCheckBox |
Provides accessibility support for JCheckBox . |
JColorChooser | A Swing widget that offers users different ways to select a color. |
JColorChooser.AccessibleJColorChooser |
Accessibility support for JColorChooser . |
JComboBox | A component that allows a user to select any item in its list and displays the selected item to the user. |
JComboBox.AccessibleJComboBox |
Accessibility support for JComboBox . |
JComponent | The base class of all Swing components. |
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent |
Basic accessibility support for JComponent derived
widgets. |
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.AccessibleContainerHandler | Receives notification if there are child components are added or removed from the JComponent and fires appropriate PropertyChangeEvents to interested listeners on the AccessibleJComponent. |
JComponent.AccessibleJComponent.AccessibleFocusHandler | Receives notification if the focus on the JComponent changes and fires appropriate PropertyChangeEvents to listeners registered with the AccessibleJComponent. |
JDesktopPane | JDesktopPane is a container (usually for JInternalFrames) that simulates a desktop. |
JDesktopPane.AccessibleJDesktopPane |
Provides the accessibility features for the JDesktopPane
component. |
JDialog | A dialog window. |
JDialog.AccessibleJDialog |
Provides accessibility support for JDialog s. |
JEditorPane | A powerful text editor component that can handle different types of content. |
JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPane |
Provides accessibility support for JEditorPane .
JEditorPane.AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML |
Provides accessibility support for JEditorPane s, when the
editor kit is an instance of {@link HTMLEditorKit}.
JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport | This is the accessible text that is returned by {@link AccessibleJEditorPaneHTML#getAccessibleText()}. |
JEditorPane.JEditorPaneAccessibleHypertextSupport.HTMLLink | The accessible representation of a HTML link. |
JFileChooser | A component that provides the user a dialog box to browse through a filesystem and choose one or more files or directories. |
JFileChooser.AccessibleJFileChooser |
Provides the accessibility features for the JFileChooser
component. |
JFormattedTextField | A text field that makes use of a formatter to display and edit a specific type of data. |
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatter | An abstract base implementation for a formatter that can be used by a JTextField. |
JFormattedTextField.AbstractFormatterFactory | Delivers instances of an {@link AbstractFormatter} for a specific value type for a JFormattedTextField. |
JFrame | A window that supports window decorations (titlebar and borders). |
JFrame.AccessibleJFrame |
Provides accessibility support for JFrame s. |
JInternalFrame | This class implements a Swing widget that looks and acts like a native frame. |
JInternalFrame.AccessibleJInternalFrame |
Provides the accessibility features for the JInternalFrame
component. |
JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon | This class represents the JInternalFrame while it is iconified. |
JInternalFrame.JDesktopIcon.AccessibleJDesktopIcon |
Provides the accessibility features for the JDesktopIcon
component. |
JLabel | A component that displays a static text message and/or an icon. |
JLabel.AccessibleJLabel |
Provides the accessibility features for the JLabel
component. |
JLayeredPane |
A container that adds depth to the usual Container semantics.
JLayeredPane.AccessibleJLayeredPane |
Provides accessibility support for JLayeredPane . |
JList |
This class is a facade over three separate objects: {@link javax.swing.ListModel}, {@link javax.swing.ListSelectionModel} and {@link javax.swing.plaf.ListUI}. |
JList.AccessibleJList |
Provides accessibility support for JList . |
JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild |
Provides accessibility support for list elements in JList s. |
JMenu | This class represents a menu that can be added to a menu bar or can be a submenu in some other menu. |
JMenuBar | JMenuBar is a container for menu's. |
JMenuBar.AccessibleJMenuBar |
Provides accessibility support for JMenuBar .
JMenuItem | JMenuItem represents element in the menu. |
JMenuItem.AccessibleJMenuItem |
Provides the accessibility features for the JMenuItem
JMenu.AccessibleJMenu |
Implements support for assisitive technologies for JMenu . |
JMenu.WinListener | |
JOptionPane | This class creates different types of JDialogs and JInternalFrames that can ask users for input or pass on information. |
JOptionPane.AccessibleJOptionPane |
Provides the accessibility features for the JOptionPane
component. |
JPanel | An instance of JPanel can be added to a panel, frame etc |
JPanel.AccessibleJPanel |
Provides accessibility support for JPanel .
JPasswordField | class JPasswordField |
JPasswordField.AccessibleJPasswordField | AccessibleJPasswordField |
JPopupMenu | JPopupMenu is a container that is used to display popup menu's menu items. |
JPopupMenu.AccessibleJPopupMenu | |
JPopupMenu.Separator | This is the separator that can be used in popup menu. |
JProgressBar | A component that displays a visual indicator of the progress of a task. |
JProgressBar.AccessibleJProgressBar |
Provides the accessibility features for the JProgressBar
component. |
JRadioButton |
The JRadioButton component provides a visually selectable
button with mutually exclusive behaviour within a ButtonGroup .
JRadioButtonMenuItem | This class represents JRadioButtonMenuItem. |
JRadioButtonMenuItem.AccessibleJRadioButtonMenuItem |
Provides the accessibility features for the
JRadioButtonMenuItem component.
JRadioButton.AccessibleJRadioButton | This class provides accessibility support for the toggle button. |
JRootPane | This class is where JComponents are added to. |
JRootPane.AccessibleJRootPane | |
JRootPane.RootLayout | |
JScrollBar | The JScrollBar. |
JScrollBar.AccessibleJScrollBar |
Provides the accessibility features for the JScrollBar
component. |
JScrollPane | A component that embeds another component and enables it to be scrolled both in horizontal and vertical direction. |
JScrollPane.AccessibleJScrollPane |
Provides accessibility support for the JScrollPane .
JScrollPane.ScrollBar | |
JSeparator | The JSeparator. |
JSeparator.AccessibleJSeparator |
Provides the accessibility features for the JSeparator
component. |
JSlider | A visual component that allows selection of a value within a range by adjusting a thumb in a track. |
JSlider.AccessibleJSlider |
Provides the accessibility features for the JSlider
component. |
JSpinner |
A JSpinner is a component that displays a single value from
a sequence of values, and provides a convenient means for selecting the
previous and next values in the sequence. |
JSpinner.DateEditor |
An editor class for a JSpinner that is used
for displaying and editing dates (e.g. that uses
SpinnerDateModel as model).
JSpinner.DefaultEditor | The base class for the editor used by the {@link JSpinner} component. |
JSpinner.ListEditor |
A JSpinner editor used for the {@link SpinnerListModel}.
JSpinner.NumberEditor | A panel containing a {@link JFormattedTextField} that is configured for displaying and editing numbers. |
JSplitPane | This class implements JSplitPane. |
JSplitPane.AccessibleJSplitPane |
Provides the accessibility features for the JSplitPane
component. |
JTabbedPane | This is a container for components where only one component is displayed at a given time and the displayed component can be switched by clicking on tabs. |
JTabbedPane.AccessibleJTabbedPane |
Accessibility support for JTabbedPane . |
JTabbedPane.ModelListener | A helper class that listens for changes to the model. |
JTable | The table component, displaying information, organized in rows and columns. |
JTable.AccessibleJTable |
Provides accessibility support for JTable .
JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableCell | Provides accessibility support for table cells. |
JTable.AccessibleJTable.AccessibleJTableModelChange | |
JTextArea |
The JTextArea component provides a multi-line area for displaying
and editing plain text. |
JTextArea.AccessibleJTextArea |
Provides accessibility support for JTextArea .
JTextField | |
JTextField.AccessibleJTextField | AccessibleJTextField |
JTextPane | A powerful text component that supports styled content as well as embedding images and components. |
JToggleButton |
The JToggleButton component provides a stateful button,
which can be either selected or unselected. |
JToggleButton.AccessibleJToggleButton | This class provides accessibility support for the toggle button. |
JToggleButton.ToggleButtonModel | The model handles the storage and maintenance of the state of the toggle button. |
JToolBar | JToolBar is a component that provides a toolbar to Swing programs. |
JToolBar.AccessibleJToolBar |
Provides the accessibility features for the JToolBar
component. |
JToolBar.Separator | This is an extension of JSeparator used in toolbars. |
JToolTip | This class is used to display ToolTips. |
JToolTip.AccessibleJToolTip |
Provides the accessibility features for the JToolTip
component. |
JTree | |
JTree.AccessibleJTree | This class implements accessibility support for the JTree class. |
JTree.AccessibleJTree.AccessibleJTreeNode | This class implements accessibility support for the JTree child. |
JTree.DynamicUtilTreeNode | |
JTree.EmptySelectionModel | A TreeModel that does not allow anything to be selected. |
JTree.TreeModelHandler |
Listens to the model of the JTree and updates the property
expandedState if nodes are removed or changed. |
JTree.TreeSelectionRedirector | This redirects TreeSelectionEvents and rewrites the source of it to be this JTree. |
JViewport |
_ +-------------------------------+ ...........Y1 \ | view | . |
JViewport.AccessibleJViewport |
Provides accessibility support for JViewport .
JViewport.ViewListener | A {@link java.awt.event.ComponentListener} that listens for changes of the view's size. |
JWindow | Unlike JComponent derivatives, JWindow inherits from java.awt.Window. |
JWindow.AccessibleJWindow |
Provides accessibility support for JWindow . |
KeyStroke | |
LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy | |
LookAndFeel |
A look-and-feel controls most aspects of the appearance and
operation of user interface components in javax.swing . |
MenuSelectionManager | This class manages current menu selectection. |
OverlayLayout | A layout manager that lays out the components of a container one over another. |
Popup | Manages a popup window that displays a Component on top of everything else. |
PopupFactory |
A factory for Popup objects. |
ProgressMonitor |
Using this class you can easily monitor tasks where you cannot estimate the duration exactly. A ProgressMonitor instance waits until the first time setProgress is called. |
ProgressMonitorInputStream | An input stream with a {@link ProgressMonitor}. |
RepaintManager |
The repaint manager holds a set of dirty regions, invalid components, and a double buffer surface. |
ScrollPaneLayout | ScrollPaneLayout |
ScrollPaneLayout.UIResource | |
SizeRequirements | This class calculates information about the size and position requirements of components. |
SizeSequence | A sequence of values that represent the dimensions (widths or heights) of some collection of items (for example, the widths of the columns in a table). |
SortingFocusTraversalPolicy | |
SpinnerDateModel | A date model used by the {@link JSpinner} component. |
SpinnerListModel |
An implementation of SpinnerModel which uses the values
contained within a list or an array. |
SpinnerNumberModel | A model used by the {@link JSpinner} component. |
Spring | Calculates the space between component edges, that are layed out by {@link SpringLayout}. |
SpringLayout | A very flexible layout manager. |
SpringLayout.Constraints | The constraints that define the relationships between components. |
SwingUtilities | A number of static utility functions which are useful when drawing swing components, dispatching events, or calculating regions which need painting. |
Timer | Fires one or more action events after the specified delay. |
ToolTipManager | This class is responsible for the registration of JToolTips to Components and for displaying them when appropriate. |
ToolTipManager.insideTimerAction | This ActionListener is associated with the Timer that listens to whether it is time for the JToolTip to be displayed after the mouse has entered the JComponent. |
ToolTipManager.outsideTimerAction | This Actionlistener is associated with the Timer that listens to whether the mouse cursor has re-entered the JComponent in time for an immediate redisplay of the JToolTip. |
ToolTipManager.stillInsideTimerAction | This ActionListener is associated with the Timer that listens to whether the JToolTip can be hidden after four seconds. |
TransferHandler | |
UIDefaults | UIDefaults is a database where all settings and interface bindings are stored into. |
UIDefaults.LazyInputMap | |
UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue | |
UIManager | Manages the current {@link LookAndFeel} and any auxiliary {@link LookAndFeel} instances. |
UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo | Represents the basic information about a {@link LookAndFeel} (LAF), so that a list of installed LAFs can be presented without actually loading the LAF class(es). |
ViewportLayout | The default layout for {@link JViewport}. |
Exception Summary | |
UnsupportedLookAndFeelException | Thrown by the {@link UIManager#setLookAndFeel(LookAndFeel)} method when the specified look and feel is not supported on the current platform. |
Provides a collection of cross-platform user interface components.