public class BasicOptionPaneUI extends OptionPaneUI
Nested Class Summary | |
class | BasicOptionPaneUI.ButtonActionListener
This is a helper class that listens to the buttons located at the bottom
of the JOptionPane.
static class | BasicOptionPaneUI.ButtonAreaLayout
This helper layout manager is responsible for the layout of the button
area. |
class | BasicOptionPaneUI.PropertyChangeHandler
This helper class handles property change events from the JOptionPane.
Field Summary | |
protected boolean | hasCustomComponents Whether the JOptionPane contains custom components. |
protected Component | initialFocusComponent
The button that will receive focus based on initialValue when no input
component is present. |
protected JComponent | inputComponent The component that receives input when the JOptionPane needs it. |
protected Dimension | minimumSize The minimum dimensions of the JOptionPane. |
static int | MinimumHeight
The minimum height for JOptionPanes. |
static int | MinimumWidth
The minimum width for JOptionPanes. |
protected JOptionPane | optionPane The JOptionPane this UI delegate is used for. |
protected PropertyChangeListener | propertyChangeListener The propertyChangeListener for the JOptionPane. |
Constructor Summary | |
Creates a new BasicOptionPaneUI object. |
Method Summary | |
protected void | addButtonComponents(Container container, Object[] buttons, int initialIndex)
This method is messaged to add the buttons to the given container.
protected void | addIcon(Container top)
This method adds the appropriate icon the given container.
protected void | addMessageComponents(Container container, GridBagConstraints cons, Object msg, int maxll, boolean internallyCreated)
This method creates the proper object (if necessary) to represent msg.
protected void | burstStringInto(Container c, String d, int maxll)
This method creates instances of d (recursively if necessary based on
maxll) and adds to c.
boolean | containsCustomComponents(JOptionPane op)
This method returns true if the given JOptionPane contains custom
protected ActionListener | createButtonActionListener(int buttonIndex)
This method creates a button action listener for the given button index.
protected Container | createButtonArea()
This method creates the button area.
protected LayoutManager | createLayoutManager()
This method creates a new LayoutManager for the button area.
protected Container | createMessageArea()
This method creates the message area.
protected PropertyChangeListener | createPropertyChangeListener()
This method creates a new PropertyChangeListener for listening to the
protected Container | createSeparator()
This method creates a Container that will separate the message and button
static ComponentUI | createUI(JComponent x)
This method creates a new BasicOptionPaneUI for the given component.
protected Object[] | getButtons()
This method returns the buttons for the JOptionPane. |
protected Icon | getIcon()
This method will return the icon the user has set or the icon that will
be used based on message type.
protected Icon | getIconForType(int messageType)
This method returns the icon for the given messageType.
protected int | getInitialValueIndex()
This method returns the index of the initialValue in the options array.
protected int | getMaxCharactersPerLineCount()
This method returns the maximum number of characters that should be
placed on a line.
Dimension | getMaximumSize(JComponent c)
This method returns the maximum size.
protected Object | getMessage()
This method returns the message of the JOptionPane.
Dimension | getMinimumOptionPaneSize()
This method returns the minimum size of the JOptionPane.
Dimension | getMinimumSize(JComponent c)
This method returns the minimum size.
Dimension | getPreferredSize(JComponent c)
This method returns the preferred size of the JOptionPane. |
protected boolean | getSizeButtonsToSameWidth()
This method returns whether all buttons should have the same width.
protected void | installComponents()
This method installs components for the JOptionPane. |
protected void | installDefaults()
This method installs defaults for the JOptionPane. |
protected void | installKeyboardActions()
This method installs keyboard actions for the JOptionpane. |
protected void | installListeners()
This method installs listeners for the JOptionPane. |
void | installUI(JComponent c)
This method installs the UI for the JOptionPane.
protected void | resetInputValue()
Changes the inputValue property in the JOptionPane based on the current
value of the inputComponent. |
void | selectInitialValue(JOptionPane op)
This method requests focus to the inputComponent (if one is present) and
the initialFocusComponent otherwise.
protected void | uninstallComponents()
This method uninstalls all the components in the JOptionPane. |
protected void | uninstallDefaults()
This method uninstalls the defaults for the JOptionPane. |
protected void | uninstallKeyboardActions()
This method uninstalls keyboard actions for the JOptionPane. |
protected void | uninstallListeners()
This method uninstalls listeners for the JOptionPane. |
void | uninstallUI(JComponent c)
This method uninstalls the UI for the given JComponent.
Parameters: container The container to add components to. buttons The buttons to add. (If it is an instance of component, the Object is added directly. If it is an instance of Icon, it is packed into a label and added. For all other cases, the string representation of the Object is retreived and packed into a label.) initialIndex The index of the component that is the initialValue.
Parameters: top The container to add an icon to.
Parameters: container The container to add to. cons The constraints when adding. msg The message to add. maxll The max line length. internallyCreated Whether the msg is internally created.
Parameters: c The container to add to. d The string to burst. maxll The max line length.
Parameters: op The JOptionPane to check.
Returns: True if the JOptionPane contains custom components.
Parameters: buttonIndex The index of the button in components.
Returns: A new ButtonActionListener.
Returns: A new Button Area.
Returns: A new LayoutManager for the button area.
Returns: A new message area.
Returns: A new PropertyChangeListener.
Returns: A Container that will separate the message and button areas.
Parameters: x The component to create a UI for.
Returns: A new BasicOptionPaneUI.
Returns: The buttons that will be added.
Returns: The icon to use in the JOptionPane.
Parameters: messageType The type of message.
Returns: The icon for the given messageType.
Returns: The index of the initalValue.
Returns: The maximum number of characteres that should be placed on a line.
Parameters: c The JComponent to measure.
Returns: The maximum size.
Returns: The message.
Returns: The minimum size.
Parameters: c The JComponent to measure.
Returns: The minimum size.
Parameters: c The JComponent to measure.
Returns: The preferred size.
Returns: Whether all buttons should have the same width.
Parameters: c The JComponent to install the UI for.
Parameters: op The JOptionPane.
Parameters: c The JComponent to uninstall for.