public class BasicToolBarUI extends ToolBarUI implements SwingConstants
Nested Class Summary | |
class | BasicToolBarUI.DockingListener
This is the MouseHandler class that allows the user to drag the JToolBar
in and out of the parent and dock it if it can. |
protected class | BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow
This is the window that appears when the JToolBar is being dragged
around. |
protected class | BasicToolBarUI.FrameListener
This helper class listens for Window events from the floatable window and
if it is closed, returns the JToolBar to the last known good location. |
protected class | BasicToolBarUI.PropertyListener
This helper class listens for PropertyChangeEvents from the JToolBar. |
protected class | BasicToolBarUI.ToolBarContListener
This helper class listens for components added to and removed from the
JToolBar. |
protected class | BasicToolBarUI.ToolBarFocusListener
Field Summary | |
protected String | constraintBeforeFloating The last known BorderLayout constraint before floating. |
protected Color | dockingBorderColor The color of the border when it is dockable. |
protected Color | dockingColor The background color of the JToolBar when it is dockable. |
protected MouseInputListener | dockingListener The docking listener responsible for mouse events on the JToolBar. |
protected KeyStroke | downKey |
protected BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow | dragWindow The window used for dragging the JToolBar. |
protected Color | floatingBorderColor The color of the border when it is not dockable. |
protected Color | floatingColor The background color of the JToolBar when it is not dockable. |
protected int | focusedCompIndex The index of the focused component. |
protected KeyStroke | leftKey |
protected PropertyChangeListener | propertyListener The PropertyChangeListener for the JToolBar. |
protected KeyStroke | rightKey |
protected JToolBar | toolBar The JToolBar this UI delegate is responsible for. |
protected ContainerListener | toolBarContListener The Container listener for the JToolBar. |
protected FocusListener | toolBarFocusListener The Focus listener for the JToolBar. |
protected KeyStroke | upKey |
Constructor Summary | |
This method creates a new BasicToolBarUI object for the given JToolBar. |
Method Summary | |
boolean | canDock(Component c, Point p)
This method returns whether the JToolBar can dock at the given position.
protected MouseInputListener | createDockingListener()
This method creates a new DockingListener for the JToolBar.
protected BasicToolBarUI.DragWindow | createDragWindow(JToolBar toolbar)
This method creates a new DragWindow for the given JToolBar.
protected JFrame | createFloatingFrame(JToolBar toolbar)
This method creates a new floating frame for the JToolBar. |
protected RootPaneContainer | createFloatingWindow(JToolBar toolbar)
This method creates a new floating window for the JToolBar. |
protected WindowListener | createFrameListener()
This method creates a new WindowListener for the JToolBar.
protected Border | createNonRolloverBorder()
This method creates a new nonRolloverBorder for JButtons when the
JToolBar's rollover property is set to false.
protected PropertyChangeListener | createPropertyListener()
This method creates a new PropertyChangeListener for the JToolBar.
protected Border | createRolloverBorder()
This method creates a new rollover border for JButtons when the
JToolBar's rollover property is set to true.
protected ContainerListener | createToolBarContListener()
This method creates a new Container listener for the JToolBar.
protected FocusListener | createToolBarFocusListener()
This method creates a new FocusListener for the JToolBar.
static ComponentUI | createUI(JComponent c)
This method creates a new UI delegate for the given JComponent.
protected void | dragTo(Point position, Point origin)
This method is called to drag the DragWindow around when the JToolBar is
being dragged around.
protected void | floatAt(Point position, Point origin)
This method is used at the end of a drag session to place the frame in
either its original parent as a docked JToolBar or in its floating
Color | getDockingColor()
This method returns the docking color.
Color | getFloatingColor()
This method returns the Color which is displayed when over a floating
Dimension | getMaximumSize(JComponent c)
This method returns the maximum size of the given JComponent for this UI.
Dimension | getMinimumSize(JComponent c)
This method returns the minimum size of the given JComponent for this UI.
protected void | installComponents()
This method installs the needed components for the JToolBar. |
protected void | installDefaults()
This method installs the defaults as specified by the look and feel. |
protected void | installKeyboardActions()
This method installs the keyboard actions for the JToolBar as specified
by the look and feel. |
protected void | installListeners()
This method installs listeners for the JToolBar. |
protected void | installNonRolloverBorders(JComponent c)
This method installs non rollover borders for each component inside the
given JComponent.
protected void | installNormalBorders(JComponent c)
This method installs normal (or their original) borders for each
component inside the given JComponent.
protected void | installRolloverBorders(JComponent c)
This method install rollover borders for each component inside the given
void | installUI(JComponent c)
This method installs the UI for the given JComponent.
boolean | isFloating()
This method returns whether the JToolBar is floating.
boolean | isRolloverBorders()
This method returns whether rollover borders have been set.
protected void | navigateFocusedComp(int direction)
This method navigates in the given direction giving focus to the next
component in the given direction.
protected void | setBorderToNonRollover(Component c)
This method sets the border of the given component to a non rollover
protected void | setBorderToNormal(Component c)
This method sets the border of the given component to its original value.
protected void | setBorderToRollover(Component c)
This method sets the border of the given component to a rollover border.
void | setDockingColor(Color c)
This method sets the docking color.
void | setFloating(boolean b, Point p)
This method sets the floating property for the JToolBar.
void | setFloatingColor(Color c)
This method sets the color displayed when the JToolBar is not in a
dockable area.
void | setFloatingLocation(int x, int y)
This method sets the floating location of the JToolBar.
void | setOrientation(int orientation)
This is a convenience method for changing the orientation of the
void | setRolloverBorders(boolean rollover)
This method changes the child components to have rollover borders if the
given parameter is true. |
protected void | uninstallComponents()
This method uninstall UI installed components from the JToolBar. |
protected void | uninstallDefaults()
This method removes the defaults installed by the Look and Feel. |
protected void | uninstallKeyboardActions()
This method uninstalls keyboard actions installed by the UI. |
protected void | uninstallListeners()
This method uninstalls listeners installed by the UI. |
void | uninstallUI(JComponent c)
This method uninstalls the UI.
Deprecated: since JDK1.3.
Deprecated: since JDK1.3.
Deprecated: since JDK1.3.
Deprecated: since JDK1.3.
object for the given JToolBar.Parameters: c The component to try to dock in. p The position of the mouse cursor relative to the given component.
Returns: Whether the JToolBar can dock.
Returns: A new DockingListener for the JToolBar.
Parameters: toolbar The JToolBar to create a DragWindow for.
Returns: A new DragWindow.
Parameters: toolbar The JToolBar to create a floating frame for.
Returns: A new floating frame.
Parameters: toolbar The JToolBar to create a floating window for.
Returns: A new floating window.
Returns: A new WindowListener.
Returns: A new NonRolloverBorder.
Returns: A new PropertyChangeListener.
Returns: A new rollover border.
Returns: A new Container listener.
Returns: A new FocusListener for the JToolBar.
Parameters: c The JComponent to create a UI delegate for.
Returns: A new UI delegate.
Parameters: position The mouse cursor coordinates relative to the JToolBar. origin The screen position of the JToolBar.
Parameters: position The position of the mouse cursor relative to the JToolBar. origin The screen position of the JToolBar before the drag session started.
Returns: The docking color.
Returns: The color which is displayed when over a floating area.
Parameters: c The JComponent to find the maximum size for.
Returns: The maximum size for this UI.
Parameters: c The JComponent to find a minimum size for.
Returns: The minimum size for this UI.
Parameters: c The JComponent whose children need to have non rollover borders installed.
Parameters: c The JComponent whose children need to have their original borders installed.
Parameters: c The JComponent whose children need to have rollover borders installed.
Parameters: c The JComponent to install a UI for.
Returns: Whether the JToolBar is floating.
Returns: Whether rollover borders have been set.
Parameters: direction The direction to give focus to.
Parameters: c The Component whose border needs to be set.
Parameters: c The Component whose border needs to be set.
Parameters: c The Component whose border needs to be set.
Parameters: c The docking color.
Parameters: b Whether the JToolBar is floating. p FIXME
Parameters: c The floating color.
Parameters: x The x coordinate for the floating frame. y The y coordinate for the floating frame.
Parameters: orientation The new orientation.
Parameters: rollover Whether the children will have rollover borders.
Parameters: c The JComponent that is having this UI removed.