public class JToolBar extends JComponent implements SwingConstants, Accessible
Nested Class Summary | |
protected class | JToolBar.AccessibleJToolBar
Provides the accessibility features for the JToolBar
component. |
static class | JToolBar.Separator
This is an extension of JSeparator used in toolbars. |
Constructor Summary | |
This method creates a new JToolBar object with horizontal orientation
and no name. | |
JToolBar(int orientation)
This method creates a new JToolBar with the given orientation and no
| |
JToolBar(String name)
This method creates a new JToolBar object with the given name and
horizontal orientation.
| |
JToolBar(String name, int orientation)
This method creates a new JToolBar object with the given name and
Method Summary | |
JButton | add(Action action)
This method adds a new JButton that performs the given Action to the
protected void | addImpl(Component component, Object constraints, int index)
This method overrides Container's addImpl method. |
void | addSeparator()
This method adds a Separator of default size to the JToolBar. |
void | addSeparator(Dimension size)
This method adds a Separator with the given size to the JToolBar.
protected PropertyChangeListener | createActionChangeListener(JButton button)
This method creates a pre-configured PropertyChangeListener which updates
the control as changes are made to the Action. |
protected JButton | createActionComponent(Action action)
This method is used to create JButtons which can be added to the JToolBar
for the given action.
AccessibleContext | getAccessibleContext()
Returns the object that provides accessibility features for this
JToolBar component.
Component | getComponentAtIndex(int index)
This method returns the component at the given index.
int | getComponentIndex(Component component)
This method returns the index of the given component.
Insets | getMargin()
This method returns the margin property.
int | getOrientation()
This method returns the orientation of the JToolBar.
ToolBarUI | getUI()
This method returns the UI class used to paint this JToolBar.
String | getUIClassID()
This method returns the String identifier for the UI class to the used
with the JToolBar.
boolean | isBorderPainted()
This method returns the borderPainted property.
boolean | isFloatable()
This method returns the floatable property.
boolean | isRollover()
This method returns the rollover property.
protected void | paintBorder(Graphics graphics)
This method paints the border if the borderPainted property is true.
protected String | paramString()
Returns a string describing the attributes for the JToolBar
component, for use in debugging. |
void | setBorderPainted(boolean painted)
This method sets the borderPainted property. |
void | setFloatable(boolean floatable)
This method sets the floatable property. |
void | setLayout(LayoutManager mgr)
This method sets the layout manager to be used with the JToolBar.
void | setMargin(Insets margin)
This method sets the margin property. |
void | setOrientation(int orientation)
This method sets the orientation property for JToolBar.
void | setRollover(boolean b)
This method sets the rollover property for the JToolBar. |
void | setUI(ToolBarUI ui)
This method sets the UI used with the JToolBar.
void | updateUI()
This method resets the UI used to the Look and Feel defaults. |
Parameters: orientation JToolBar orientation (HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL)
Parameters: name Name assigned to undocked tool bar.
Parameters: name Name assigned to undocked tool bar. orientation JToolBar orientation (HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL)
Parameters: action The Action to add to the JToolBar.
Returns: The JButton that wraps the Action.
Parameters: component The Component to add. constraints The Constraints placed on the component. index The index to place the Component at.
Parameters: size The size of the Separator.
Parameters: button The JButton to configure a PropertyChangeListener for.
Returns: null.
Parameters: action The action to create a JButton for.
Returns: The JButton created from the action.
Returns: The accessible context (an instance of {@link AccessibleJToolBar}).
Parameters: index The index of the component.
Returns: The component at the given index.
Parameters: component The component to find.
Returns: The index of the given component.
Returns: The margin property.
Returns: The orientation of the JToolBar.
Returns: The UI class for this JToolBar.
Returns: The String identifier for the UI class.
Returns: The borderPainted property.
Returns: The floatable property.
Returns: The rollover property.
Parameters: graphics The graphics object to paint with.
component, for use in debugging. The return value is guaranteed to be
, but the format of the string may vary between
Returns: A string describing the attributes of the JToolBar
Parameters: painted Whether the border will be painted.
Parameters: floatable Whether the JToolBar can be dragged.
Parameters: mgr The Layout Manager used with the JToolBar.
Parameters: margin The margin property.
Parameters: orientation The new orientation for JToolBar.
Throws: IllegalArgumentException If the orientation is not HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL.
Parameters: b The new rollover property.
Parameters: ui The UI used with the JToolBar.