
Class StyleSheet.ListPainter

public static class StyleSheet.ListPainter extends Object implements Serializable

This class carries out some of the CSS list formatting duties. Implementations of this class enable views to present the CSS formatting while not knowing anything about how the CSS values are being cached.
Method Summary
voidpaint(Graphics g, float x, float y, float w, float h, View v, int item)
Paints the CSS list decoration according to the attributes given.

Method Detail


public void paint(Graphics g, float x, float y, float w, float h, View v, int item)
Paints the CSS list decoration according to the attributes given.

Parameters: g - the graphics configuration x - the x coordinate y - the y coordinate w - the width of the allocated area h - the height of the allocated area v - the view making the request item - the list item to be painted >=0.