
Interface GSSName

public interface GSSName

This interface encapsulates a single GSS-API principal entity. Different name formats and their definitions are identified with universal Object Identifiers (Oids). The format of the names can be derived based on the unique oid of its namespace type.

Example Code

GSSManager mgr = GSSManager.getInstance();

// create a host based service name
GSSName name = mgr.createName("service@host",

Oid krb5 = new Oid("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2");

GSSName mechName = name.canonicalize(krb5);

// the above two steps are equivalent to the following
GSSName mechName = mgr.createName("service@host",
                                  GSSName.NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE, krb5);

// perform name comparison
if (name.equals(mechName))
  print("Names are equal.");

// obtain textual representation of name and its printable
// name type
print(mechName.toString() +

// export and re-import the name
byte [] exportName = mechName.export();

// create a new name object from the exported buffer
GSSName newName = mgr.createName(exportName,
Field Summary

Name type for representing an anonymous entity.


Name type used to indicate an exported name produced by the export method.


Oid indicating a host-based service name form.


Name type to indicate a numeric user identifier corresponding to a user on a local system. (e.g.


Name type to indicate a string of digits representing the numeric user identifier of a user on a local system.


Name type to indicate a named user on a local system.

Method Summary
GSSNamecanonicalize(Oid mech)
Creates a mechanism name (MN) from an arbitrary internal name.
booleanequals(GSSName another)
Compares two GSSName objects to determine whether they refer to the same entity.
booleanequals(Object another)
A variation of the {@link #equals(org.ietf.jgss.GSSName)} method that is provided to override the {@link Object#equals(java.lang.Object)} method that the implementing class will inherit.
Returns a canonical contiguous byte representation of a mechanism name (MN), suitable for direct, byte by byte comparison by authorization functions.
Returns the oid representing the type of name returned through the {@link #toString()} method.
Return the hashcode of this GSSName.
Tests if this name object represents an anonymous entity.
Tests if this name object contains only one mechanism element and is thus a mechanism name as defined by RFC 2743.
Returns a textual representation of the GSSName object.

Field Detail



Name type for representing an anonymous entity. It represents the following value: { 1(iso), 3(org), 6(dod), 1(internet), 5(security), 6(nametypes), 3(gss-anonymous-name) }.



Name type used to indicate an exported name produced by the export method. It represents the following value: { 1(iso), 3(org), 6(dod), 1(internet), 5(security), 6(nametypes), 4(gss-api-exported-name) }.



Oid indicating a host-based service name form. It is used to represent services associated with host computers. This name form is constructed using two elements, "service" and "hostname", as follows:


Values for the "service" element are registered with the IANA. It represents the following value: { 1(iso), 3(org), 6(dod), 1(internet), 5(security), 6(nametypes), 2(gss-host-based-services) }.



Name type to indicate a numeric user identifier corresponding to a user on a local system. (e.g. Uid). It represents the following value: { iso(1) member-body(2) United States(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) generic(1) machine_uid_name(2) }.



Name type to indicate a string of digits representing the numeric user identifier of a user on a local system. It represents the following value: { iso(1) member-body(2) United States(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) generic(1) string_uid_name(3) }.


public Oid NT_USER_NAME

Name type to indicate a named user on a local system. It represents the following value: { iso(1) member-body(2) United States(840) mit(113554) infosys(1) gssapi(2) generic(1) user_name(1) }.

Method Detail


public GSSName canonicalize(Oid mech)
Creates a mechanism name (MN) from an arbitrary internal name. This is equivalent to using the factory methods {@link GSSManager#createName(java.lang.String,org.ietf.jgss.Oid,org.ietf.jgss.Oid)} or {@link GSSManager#createName(byte[],org.ietf.jgss.Oid,org.ietf.jgss.Oid)}.

Parameters: mech The oid for the mechanism for which the canonical form of the name is requested.

Returns: The mechanism name.

Throws: GSSException If this operation fails.


public boolean equals(GSSName another)
Compares two GSSName objects to determine whether they refer to the same entity. This method may throw a {@link GSSException} when the names cannot be compared. If either of the names represents an anonymous entity, the method will return false.

Parameters: another GSSName object to compare with.

Returns: True if this name equals the other, and if neither name represents an anonymous entity.

Throws: GSSException If the names cannot be compared.


public boolean equals(Object another)
A variation of the {@link #equals(org.ietf.jgss.GSSName)} method that is provided to override the {@link Object#equals(java.lang.Object)} method that the implementing class will inherit. The behavior is exactly the same as that in the other equals method except that no {@link GSSException} is thrown; instead, false will be returned in the situation where an error occurs. (Note that the Java language specification requires that two objects that are equal according to the {@link Object#equals(java.lang.Object)} method must return the same integer when the {@link hashCode()} method is called on them.

Parameters: another GSSName object to compare with.

Returns: True if this name equals the other, if neither name represents an anonymous entity, or if an error occurs.


public byte[] export()
Returns a canonical contiguous byte representation of a mechanism name (MN), suitable for direct, byte by byte comparison by authorization functions. If the name is not an MN, implementations may throw a {@link GSSException} with the {@link GSSException#NAME_NOT_MN} status code. If an implementation chooses not to throw an exception, it should use some system specific default mechanism to canonicalize the name and then export it. The format of the header of the output buffer is specified in RFC 2743.

Returns: The exported name.

Throws: GSSException If the name is not an MN and the implementation throws an exception for this case.


public Oid getStringNameType()
Returns the oid representing the type of name returned through the {@link #toString()} method. Using this oid, the syntax of the printable name can be determined.

Returns: The name type.

Throws: GSSException If this operation fails.


public int hashCode()
Return the hashcode of this GSSName. When overriding {@link #equals}, it is normally necessary to override hashCode() as well.

Returns: the hash code that must be the same for two names if {@link #equals} returns true.


public boolean isAnonymous()
Tests if this name object represents an anonymous entity. Returns true if this is an anonymous name.

Returns: True if this name represents an anonymous entity.


public boolean isMN()
Tests if this name object contains only one mechanism element and is thus a mechanism name as defined by RFC 2743.

Returns: True if this name is a mechanism name.


public String toString()
Returns a textual representation of the GSSName object. To retrieve the printed name format, which determines the syntax of the returned string, the {@link #getStringNameType()} method can be used.

Returns: The textual representation of the GSSName object.