GNU Classpath (0.95) | |
Frames | No Frames |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Return the binding type code.
TypeCode | Returen the type code of the binding iterator.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the binding.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the NameComponent .
TypeCode | Get the Name type code.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the naming context.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the naming context.
TypeCode | Create the type code for this exception.
TypeCode | Create the type code for the BindingIterator.
TypeCode | Return the binding array type code.
TypeCode | Get the type code of this enumeration.
TypeCode | Return an alias typecode.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the named component.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the Name.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the NamingContextExt .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the NamingContext .
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
Any | Decode the given array of bytes, supposing that they contain the
given data structure, and return the decoded value.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the IOR.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the TaggedComponent.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the ServiceContext.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the ServiceContext[].
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the TaggedComponent.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the TaggedProfile.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the CodecFactory .
TypeCode | Create the ComponentId typecode (alias of CORBA ulong, named "ComponentId".
TypeCode | Create the IOR typecode (structure, named "IOR"). |
TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the ProfileId typecode (alias of CORBA ulong, named "ProfileId".
TypeCode | Create the ServiceContext typecode (structure, named "ServiceContext"). |
TypeCode | Get the type code of the ServiceContext [].
TypeCode | Create the ServiceId typecode (alias of CORBA ulong, named "ServiceId".
TypeCode | Create the TaggedComponent typecode (structure, named "TaggedComponent").
TypeCode | Create the TaggedProfile typecode (structure, named "TaggedProfile"). |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the NoContext typecode (structure, named "NoContext").
Constructors with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
Creates a structure member.
| |
Constructs an instance of TypeCodeHolder,
initializing value to the given TypeCode .
| |
Creates a union member.
| |
ValueMember.ValueMember(String a_name, String an_id, String is_defined_in, String a_version, TypeCode a_type, IDLType a_type_def, short an_access) Create the value member, specifying the field values.
Fields of type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | The typecode of the structure member.
TypeCode | The typecode of the union member.
TypeCode | The type of of this value member. |
TypeCode | The TypeCode (CORBA TypeCode ) value,
held by this TypeCodeHolder.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
void | Add the typecode of the given exception to the list.
TypeCode | Create alias typecode for the given typecode.
TypeCode | Create a typecode, defining an array of the given elements.
DynAny | The support for DynAny and derived interfaces
has never been implemented in Sun's java releases,
at least till v1.4 inclusive.
DynArray | The support for DynArray
has never been implemented in Sun's java releases,
at least till v1.4 inclusive.
DynEnum | The support for DynEnum
has never been implemented in Sun's java releases,
at least till v1.4 inclusive.
DynSequence | The support for DynSequence
has never been implemented in Sun's java releases,
at least till v1.4 inclusive.
DynStruct | The support for DynStruct and derived interfaces
has never been implemented in Sun's java releases,
at least till v1.4 inclusive.
DynUnion | The support for DynUnion and derived interfaces
has never been implemented in Sun's java releases,
at least till v1.4 inclusive.
TypeCode | Create typecode, defining the sequence of the elements, having
the given type.
TypeCode | Create the typecode, defining the given IDL union.
TypeCode | Create value box typecode.
TypeCode | ORB.create_value_tc(String id, String name, short type_modifier, TypeCode concrete_base, ValueMember[] members) Create IDL value type code.
boolean | Test two types for equality.
boolean | Following the current 1.4 API specifcation, this should just throw
void | Insert the CORBA Object into this Any
void | Insert the CORBA TypeCode into this Any
value field.
void | Insert the CORBA Value into this Any .
void | Insert the CORBA fixed into this Any
void | |
void | Read the value into this Any from the given input stream.
void | Set the return type.
void | Set the type of the object, stored in this Any , to the
given TypeCode. |
void | Write typecode to the output stream.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the Current.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder. |
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the ParameterMode.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the PolicyError.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the Policy.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the Policy[].
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the service information.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder. |
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the UnknownUserException.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the stored instance. |
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the WrongTransaction.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | For value types that support inheritance this method returns the
of the ancestor type code.
TypeCode | For sequences, arrays, aliases and value boxes, returns the IDL type for
the members of the object.
TypeCode | Create a typecode for an abstract interface. |
TypeCode | Create alias typecode for the given typecode.
TypeCode | Create a typecode, defining an array of the given elements.
TypeCode | Create a typecode, defining the given enumeration.
TypeCode | Create the exception typecode.
TypeCode | ORB.create_fixed_tc(short digits, short scale) Creates a TypeCode object for CORBA fixed that is
mapped to java BigDecimal .
TypeCode | Creates a typecode, representing the IDL interface.
TypeCode | Create a typecode for a native interface.
TypeCode | ORB.create_recursive_sequence_tc(int bound, int offset) Create a typecode, representing a tree-like structure.
TypeCode | Create a typecode which serves as a placeholder for typcode, containing
TypeCode | Create typecode, defining the sequence of the elements, having
the given type.
TypeCode | ORB.create_string_tc(int bound) Create a TypeCode, representing the CORBA string .
TypeCode | Create the typecode, defining the given IDL structure.
TypeCode | Create the typecode, defining the given IDL union.
TypeCode | Create value box typecode.
TypeCode | ORB.create_value_tc(String id, String name, short type_modifier, TypeCode concrete_base, ValueMember[] members) Create IDL value type code.
TypeCode | ORB.create_wstring_tc(int bound) Create a TypeCode, representing the CORBA wstring .
TypeCode | Returs definition of member labels for untions
TypeCode | Extract the TypeCode from this Any value field.
TypeCode | Returns a version of this instance without the optional memeber and
member name fields.
TypeCode | Return thg typecode, representing the given primitive object type.
TypeCode | Extract the TypeCode value that is expected to be
stored in this DynAny.
TypeCode | ExceptionList.item(int at) Get the item at the given position.
TypeCode | TypeCode.member_type(int index) Retrieves the member type of the member identified by the given index.
TypeCode | Read typecode.
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode of the object, stored in this Any
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the array of Any 's.
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA BooleanSeq .
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA CharSeq .
TypeCode | Get the parameter mode typecode (enumeration, named "CompletionStatus").
TypeCode | Get the type code of the Current .
TypeCode | Get the definition kind typecode (enumeration, named "DefinitionKind").
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA DoubleSeq .
TypeCode | Returns the typecode of the object, inserted into this
TypeCode | Return an string alias typecode, named "FieldName".
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA FloatSeq .
TypeCode | Return an string alias typecode, named "Identifier".
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the IDL type (the interface typecode, name "IDLType").
TypeCode | Get the type code of the interface repository object.
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA LongLongSeq .
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA LongSeq .
TypeCode | Create the type code for the name value pair.
TypeCode | Return the object type code.
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA OctetSeq .
TypeCode | Get the parameter mode typecode (enumeration, named "ParameterMode").
TypeCode | Returns a typecode of the policy error code, stating it is an alias of
short , named "PolicyErrorCode".
TypeCode | Create the PolicyError typecode. |
TypeCode | Get the type code of the Policy .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the Policy [].
TypeCode | Create the PolicyType typecode (alias of CORBA ulong, named "PolicyType".
TypeCode | Return an string alias typecode, named "RepositoryId"
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the service detail, assuming to be it
a structure with the two fields.
TypeCode | Get the service information typecode.
TypeCode | Get the definition kind typecode (enumeration, named "SetOverrideType").
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA ShortSeq .
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA string[] .
TypeCode | Create and return the value box typecode, named "StringValue", with the
content typecode being unbounded string.
TypeCode | Get a typecode for the StructMember.
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA ULongLongSeq .
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA ULongSeq .
TypeCode | Create and return the typecode for this union member.
TypeCode | Create the UnknownUserException typecode (structure,
named "UnknownUserException", containing a single field of
type Any , named "except".
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA UShortSeq .
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the value type.
TypeCode | Create a typecode for this value member.
TypeCode | Return an string alias typecode, named "VersionSpec".
TypeCode | Return an alias of short, named "Visibility".
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA WCharSeq .
TypeCode | Create the WrongTransaction typecode (structure,
named "WrongTransaction"), no fields.
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode,
corresponding the CORBA wstring[] .
TypeCode | Create and return the value box typecode, named "WStringValue", with the
content typecode being unbounded string.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the remote IDL type object. |
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the InvalidValue typecode (structure, named "InvalidValue").
TypeCode | Create the TypeMismatch typecode (structure, named "TypeMismatch").
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Get the type code of the NotEmpty exception.
TypeCode | Return the "Address", alias of String, typecode.
TypeCode | Create the type code for this exception.
TypeCode | Return the "StringName", alias of String, typecode.
TypeCode | Return the "URLString", alias of String, typecode.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the UnknownEncoding typecode (structure,
named "UnknownEncoding").
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the IORInterceptor_3_0.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the ObjectReferenceFactory.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the ObjectReferenceTemplate.
TypeCode | Get the typecode of the ObjectReferenceTemplate.
TypeCode[] | Returns the typecodes, defining all exceptions that the operation may
TypeCode | Create the AdapterManagerId typecode (alias of CORBA long (java int), named
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode, corresponding the
adapter name.
TypeCode | Create the AdapterState typecode (alias of short ,
named "AdapterState").
TypeCode | Get the type code of the Current .
TypeCode | Create the ForwardRequest typecode (structure, named "ForwardRequest"). |
TypeCode | Create the InvalidSlot typecode (structure, named "InvalidSlot").
TypeCode | Get the type code of the IORInterceptor_3_0 .
TypeCode | Return an alias typecode (an alias of the octet sequence).
TypeCode | Get the type code of the ObjectReferenceFactory .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the ObjectReferenceTemplate .
TypeCode | Creates and returns a new instance of the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA
ObjectReferenceTemplate[] . |
TypeCode | Return an alias typecode.
TypeCode | Return an alias typecode.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | There is no CORBA typecode that would specifically match a java.lang.Object.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the FormatMismatch typecode (structure,
named "FormatMismatch").
TypeCode | Create the InvalidTypeForEncoding typecode (structure, named
TypeCode | Create the TypeMismatch typecode (structure,
named "TypeMismatch").
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the AdapterAlreadyExists typecode (emtpy structure,
named "AdapterAlreadyExists").
TypeCode | Create the AdapterNonExistent typecode (empty structure,
named "AdapterNonExistent").
TypeCode | Create the InvalidPolicy typecode (emtpy structure,
named "InvalidPolicy").
TypeCode | Create the NoServant typecode (empty structure,
named "NoServant").
TypeCode | Create the ObjectAlreadyActive typecode (empty structure,
named "ObjectAlreadyActive").
TypeCode | Create the ObjectNotActive typecode (empty structure,
named "ObjectNotActive").
TypeCode | Create the ServantAlreadyActive typecode (structure,
named "ServantAlreadyActive").
TypeCode | Create the ServantNotActive typecode (empty structure,
named "ServantNotActive").
TypeCode | Create the WrongAdapter typecode (empty structure,
named "WrongAdapter").
TypeCode | Create the WrongPolicy typecode (empty structure,
named "WrongPolicy").
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the AdapterInactive typecode (structure,
named "AdapterInactive").
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Returns a typecode of the synchronization scope, stating it
is an alias of short , named "SyncScope".
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
DynAny | Create DynAny for holding the data of the given type. |
DynAny | The remote call of this DynAnyFactory method is not possible
(the created DynAny would not be transferred to client).
void | |
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
void | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Extract the TypeCode value that is expected to be stored in this
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | Get the typecode as officially defined for this helper.
TypeCode | Get the final_type code of the DynAnyFactory .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the DynAny .
TypeCode | Returns the typecode of the object, inserted into this DynAny.
TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Get the type code of the DynArray .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the DynEnum .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the DynFixed .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the DynSequence .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the DynStruct .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the DynUnion .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the DynValue .
TypeCode | Return an alias typecode.
TypeCode | Create the NameDynAnyPair typecode (structure,
named "NameDynAnyPair").
TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the NameValuePair typecode (structure,
named "NameValuePair").
TypeCode | |
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
TypeCode | The remote call of DynAny methods is not possible.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the DuplicateName typecode (structure, named "DuplicateName"). |
TypeCode | Create the InvalidName typecode (structure, named "InvalidName").
TypeCode | Return an alias typecode.
Methods with parameter type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
void | Write TypeCode.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Returns the TypeCode, corresponding the CORBA type that is stored
using this holder.
TypeCode | Read a TypeCode.
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Get the type code of the POA Current.
TypeCode | Create the ForwardRequest typecode (structure,
named "ForwardRequest").
TypeCode | Get the type code of the POA .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the ServantActivator .
TypeCode | Get the type code of the ServantLocator .
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Create the InconsistentTypeCode typecode (structure, named
Methods with return type org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode | |
TypeCode | Get the type code of the NotEmpty exception.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the NotEmpty exception.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the NotEmpty exception.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the NotEmpty exception.
TypeCode | Get the type code of the NotFound exception.
TypeCode | Get the type code of NotFoundReason .
TypeCode | Create the type code for this exception.
TypeCode | Create the type code for this exception.
TypeCode | Create the type code for this exception.
TypeCode | Create the type code for this exception.
TypeCode | Create the type code for this exception.
TypeCode | Create the type code for this exception.
GNU Classpath (0.95) |