
Class Calendar

public abstract class Calendar extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<Calendar>

This class is an abstract base class for Calendars, which can be used to convert between Date objects and a set of integer fields which represent YEAR, MONTH, DAY, etc. The Date object represents a time in milliseconds since the Epoch.
This class is locale sensitive. To get the Object matching the current locale you can use getInstance. You can even provide a locale or a timezone. getInstance returns currently a GregorianCalendar for the current date.
If you want to convert a date from the Year, Month, Day, DayOfWeek, etc. Representation to a Date-Object, you can create a new Calendar with getInstance(), clear() all fields, set(int,int) the fields you need and convert it with getTime().
If you want to convert a Date-object to the Calendar representation, create a new Calendar, assign the Date-Object with setTime(), and read the fields with get(int).
When computing the date from time fields, it may happen, that there are either two few fields set, or some fields are inconsistent. This cases will handled in a calendar specific way. Missing fields are replaced by the fields of the epoch: 1970 January 1 00:00.
To understand, how the day of year is computed out of the fields look at the following table. It is traversed from top to bottom, and for the first line all fields are set, that line is used to compute the day.
month + day_of_month
month + week_of_month + day_of_week
month + day_of_week_of_month + day_of_week
day_of_week + week_of_year
The hour_of_day-field takes precedence over the ampm and hour_of_ampm fields.
Note: This can differ for non-Gregorian calendar.
To convert a calendar to a human readable form and vice versa, use the java.text.DateFormat class.
Other useful things you can do with an calendar, is rolling fields (that means increase/decrease a specific field by one, propagating overflows), or adding/substracting a fixed amount to a field.

See Also: Date GregorianCalendar TimeZone DateFormat

Field Summary
static intALL_STYLES
A style specifier for {@link #getDisplayNames(int,int,Locale)} stating that names should be returned in both long and short variants.
static intAM
Useful constant for 12-hour clock.
static intAM_PM
Constant representing the part of the day for 12-hour clock.
static intAPRIL
Constant representing April.
static intAUGUST
Constant representing August.
protected booleanareFieldsSet
Tells if the fields have a valid value.
static intDATE
Constant representing the day time field, synonym for DAY_OF_MONTH.
static intDAY_OF_MONTH
Constant representing the day time field.
static intDAY_OF_WEEK
Constant representing the day of week time field.
Constant representing the day-of-week-in-month field.
static intDAY_OF_YEAR
Constant representing the day of year time field.
static intDECEMBER
Constant representing December.
static intDST_OFFSET
Constant representing the daylight saving time offset in milliseconds.
static intERA
Constant representing the era time field.
protected int[]fields
The time fields.
static intFEBRUARY
Constant representing February.
static intFIELD_COUNT
Number of time fields.
static intFRIDAY
Constant representing Friday.
static intHOUR
Constant representing the hour time field for 12-hour clock.
static intHOUR_OF_DAY
Constant representing the hour of day time field for 24-hour clock.
protected boolean[]isSet
The flags which tell if the fields above have a value.
protected booleanisTimeSet
Tells if the above field has a valid value.
static intJANUARY
Constant representing January.
static intJULY
Constant representing July.
static intJUNE
Constant representing June.
static intLONG
A style specifier for {@link #getDisplayName(int,int,Locale)} and {@link #getDisplayNames(int,int,Locale)} stating that names should be returned in their long variant if applicable.
static intMARCH
Constant representing March.
static intMAY
Constant representing May.
Constant representing the millisecond time field.
static intMINUTE
Constant representing the minute of hour time field.
static intMONDAY
Constant representing Monday.
static intMONTH
Constant representing the month time field.
static intNOVEMBER
Constant representing November.
static intOCTOBER
Constant representing October.
static intPM
Useful constant for 12-hour clock.
static intSATURDAY
Constant representing Saturday.
static intSECOND
Constant representing the second time field.
static intSEPTEMBER
Constant representing September.
static intSHORT
A style specifier for {@link #getDisplayName(int,int,Locale)} and {@link #getDisplayNames(int,int,Locale)} stating that names should be returned in their short variant if applicable.
static intSUNDAY
Constant representing Sunday.
protected longtime
The time in milliseconds since the epoch.
static intTHURSDAY
Constant representing Thursday.
static intTUESDAY
Constant representing Tuesday.
static intUNDECIMBER
Constant representing Undecimber.
static intWEDNESDAY
Constant representing Wednesday.
static intWEEK_OF_MONTH
Constant representing the week of the month time field.
static intWEEK_OF_YEAR
Constant representing the week of the year field.
static intYEAR
Constant representing the year time field.
static intZONE_OFFSET
Constant representing the time zone offset time field for the time given in the other fields.
Constructor Summary
protected Calendar()
Constructs a new Calendar with the default time zone and the default locale.
protected Calendar(TimeZone zone, Locale locale)
Constructs a new Calendar with the given time zone and the given locale.
Method Summary
abstract voidadd(int field, int amount)
Adds the specified amount of time to the given time field.
booleanafter(Object o)
Compares the given calendar with this.
booleanbefore(Object o)
Compares the given calendar with this.
Clears the values of all the time fields.
voidclear(int field)
Clears the values of the specified time field.
Return a clone of this object.
intcompareTo(Calendar cal)
Compares the time of two calendar instances.
protected voidcomplete()
Fills any unset fields in the time field list
protected abstract voidcomputeFields()
Converts the milliseconds since the epoch UTC (time) to time fields (fields).
protected abstract voidcomputeTime()
Converts the time field values (fields) to milliseconds since the epoch UTC (time).
booleanequals(Object o)
Compares the given calendar with this.
intget(int field)
Gets the value of the specified field.
intgetActualMaximum(int field)
Gets the actual maximum value that is allowed for the specified field.
intgetActualMinimum(int field)
Gets the actual minimum value that is allowed for the specified field.
static Locale[]getAvailableLocales()
Gets the set of locales for which a Calendar is available.
StringgetDisplayName(int field, int style, Locale locale)
Returns a localised textual representation of the current value of the given field using the specified style.
Map<String,Integer>getDisplayNames(int field, int style, Locale locale)
Returns a map linking all specified textual representations of the given field to their numerical values.
Gets what the first day of week is.
abstract intgetGreatestMinimum(int field)
Gets the greatest minimum value that is allowed for the specified field.
static CalendargetInstance()
Creates a calendar representing the actual time, using the default time zone and locale.
static CalendargetInstance(TimeZone zone)
Creates a calendar representing the actual time, using the given time zone and the default locale.
static CalendargetInstance(Locale locale)
Creates a calendar representing the actual time, using the default time zone and the given locale.
static CalendargetInstance(TimeZone zone, Locale locale)
Creates a calendar representing the actual time, using the given time zone and locale.
abstract intgetLeastMaximum(int field)
Gets the smallest maximum value that is allowed for the specified field.
abstract intgetMaximum(int field)
Gets the biggest value that is allowed for the specified field.
Gets how many days are required in the first week of the year.
abstract intgetMinimum(int field)
Gets the smallest value that is allowed for the specified field.
Converts the time represented by this object to a Date-Object.
Returns the time represented by this Calendar.
Gets the time zone of this calendar
Returns a hash code for this calendar.
protected intinternalGet(int field)
Gets the value of the specified field.
Tells if the date/time interpretation is lenient.
booleanisSet(int field)
Determines if the specified field has a valid value.
abstract voidroll(int field, boolean up)
Rolls the specified time field up or down.
voidroll(int field, int amount)
Rolls up or down the specified time field by the given amount.
voidset(int field, int value)
Sets the time field with the given value.
voidset(int year, int month, int date)
Sets the fields for year, month, and date
voidset(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute)
Sets the fields for year, month, date, hour, and minute
voidset(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second)
Sets the fields for year, month, date, hour, and minute
voidsetFirstDayOfWeek(int value)
Sets what the first day of week is.
voidsetLenient(boolean lenient)
Specifies if the date/time interpretation should be lenient.
voidsetMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int value)
Sets how many days are required in the first week of the year.
voidsetTime(Date date)
Sets this Calendar's time to the given Date.
voidsetTimeInMillis(long time)
Sets this Calendar's time to the given Time.
voidsetTimeZone(TimeZone zone)
Sets the time zone to the specified value.
Returns a string representation of this object.

Field Detail


public static final int ALL_STYLES
A style specifier for {@link #getDisplayNames(int,int,Locale)} stating that names should be returned in both long and short variants.

Since: 1.6



public static final int AM
Useful constant for 12-hour clock.


public static final int AM_PM
Constant representing the part of the day for 12-hour clock. This should be one of AM or PM.


public static final int APRIL
Constant representing April.


public static final int AUGUST
Constant representing August.


protected boolean areFieldsSet
Tells if the fields have a valid value. This superseeds the isSet array.



public static final int DATE
Constant representing the day time field, synonym for DAY_OF_MONTH.


public static final int DAY_OF_MONTH
Constant representing the day time field.


public static final int DAY_OF_WEEK
Constant representing the day of week time field. This field should contain one of the SUNDAY,...,SATURDAY constants below.


public static final int DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
Constant representing the day-of-week-in-month field. For instance this field contains 2 for the second thursday in a month. If you give a negative number here, the day will count from the end of the month.


public static final int DAY_OF_YEAR
Constant representing the day of year time field. This is 1 for the first day in month.


public static final int DECEMBER
Constant representing December.


public static final int DST_OFFSET
Constant representing the daylight saving time offset in milliseconds. The default is the value given by the time zone.


public static final int ERA
Constant representing the era time field.


protected int[] fields
The time fields. The array is indexed by the constants YEAR to DST_OFFSET.



public static final int FEBRUARY
Constant representing February.


public static final int FIELD_COUNT
Number of time fields.


public static final int FRIDAY
Constant representing Friday.


public static final int HOUR
Constant representing the hour time field for 12-hour clock.


public static final int HOUR_OF_DAY
Constant representing the hour of day time field for 24-hour clock.


protected boolean[] isSet
The flags which tell if the fields above have a value.



protected boolean isTimeSet
Tells if the above field has a valid value.



public static final int JANUARY
Constant representing January.


public static final int JULY
Constant representing July.


public static final int JUNE
Constant representing June.


public static final int LONG
A style specifier for {@link #getDisplayName(int,int,Locale)} and {@link #getDisplayNames(int,int,Locale)} stating that names should be returned in their long variant if applicable.

Since: 1.6


public static final int MARCH
Constant representing March.


public static final int MAY
Constant representing May.


public static final int MILLISECOND
Constant representing the millisecond time field.


public static final int MINUTE
Constant representing the minute of hour time field.


public static final int MONDAY
Constant representing Monday.


public static final int MONTH
Constant representing the month time field. This field should contain one of the JANUARY,...,DECEMBER constants below.


public static final int NOVEMBER
Constant representing November.


public static final int OCTOBER
Constant representing October.


public static final int PM
Useful constant for 12-hour clock.


public static final int SATURDAY
Constant representing Saturday.


public static final int SECOND
Constant representing the second time field.


public static final int SEPTEMBER
Constant representing September.


public static final int SHORT
A style specifier for {@link #getDisplayName(int,int,Locale)} and {@link #getDisplayNames(int,int,Locale)} stating that names should be returned in their short variant if applicable.

Since: 1.6


public static final int SUNDAY
Constant representing Sunday.


protected long time
The time in milliseconds since the epoch.



public static final int THURSDAY
Constant representing Thursday.


public static final int TUESDAY
Constant representing Tuesday.


public static final int UNDECIMBER
Constant representing Undecimber. This is an artificial name useful for lunar calendars.


public static final int WEDNESDAY
Constant representing Wednesday.


public static final int WEEK_OF_MONTH
Constant representing the week of the month time field.

See Also: Calendar


public static final int WEEK_OF_YEAR
Constant representing the week of the year field.

See Also: Calendar


public static final int YEAR
Constant representing the year time field.


public static final int ZONE_OFFSET
Constant representing the time zone offset time field for the time given in the other fields. It is measured in milliseconds. The default is the offset of the time zone.

Constructor Detail


protected Calendar()
Constructs a new Calendar with the default time zone and the default locale.


protected Calendar(TimeZone zone, Locale locale)
Constructs a new Calendar with the given time zone and the given locale.

Parameters: zone a time zone. locale a locale.

Method Detail


public abstract void add(int field, int amount)
Adds the specified amount of time to the given time field. The amount may be negative to subtract the time. If the field overflows it does what you expect: Jan, 25 + 10 Days is Feb, 4.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants. amount the amount of time.

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.


public boolean after(Object o)
Compares the given calendar with this.

Parameters: o the object to that we should compare.

Returns: true, if the given object is a calendar, and this calendar represents a bigger time than the calendar o.

Throws: ClassCastException if o is not an calendar.

Since: JDK1.2 you don't need to override this method


public boolean before(Object o)
Compares the given calendar with this.

Parameters: o the object to that we should compare.

Returns: true, if the given object is a calendar, and this calendar represents a smaller time than the calendar o.

Throws: ClassCastException if o is not an calendar.

Since: JDK1.2 you don't need to override this method


public final void clear()
Clears the values of all the time fields.


public final void clear(int field)
Clears the values of the specified time field.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants.

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.


public Object clone()
Return a clone of this object.


public int compareTo(Calendar cal)
Compares the time of two calendar instances.

Parameters: calendar the calendar to which the time should be compared. cal the calendar to compare this instance with.

Returns: 0 if the two calendars are set to the same time, less than 0 if the time of this calendar is before that of cal, or more than 0 if the time of this calendar is after that of cal.

Throws: NullPointerException if cal is null. IllegalArgumentException if either calendar has fields set to invalid values.

Since: 1.5


protected void complete()
Fills any unset fields in the time field list


protected abstract void computeFields()
Converts the milliseconds since the epoch UTC (time) to time fields (fields). Override this method if you write your own Calendar.


protected abstract void computeTime()
Converts the time field values (fields) to milliseconds since the epoch UTC (time). Override this method if you write your own Calendar.


public boolean equals(Object o)
Compares the given calendar with this.

Parameters: o the object to that we should compare.

Returns: true, if the given object is a calendar, that represents the same time (but doesn't necessary have the same fields).


public int get(int field)
Gets the value of the specified field. They are recomputed if they are invalid.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants.

Returns: the value of the specified field

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.

UNKNOWN: Not final since JDK 1.4


public int getActualMaximum(int field)
Gets the actual maximum value that is allowed for the specified field. This value is dependent on the values of the other fields.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants.

Returns: the actual maximum value.

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.

Since: jdk1.2


public int getActualMinimum(int field)
Gets the actual minimum value that is allowed for the specified field. This value is dependent on the values of the other fields.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants.

Returns: the actual minimum value.

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.

Since: jdk1.2


public static Locale[] getAvailableLocales()
Gets the set of locales for which a Calendar is available.

Returns: the set of locales.

Throws: MissingResourceException if locale data couldn't be found.


public String getDisplayName(int field, int style, Locale locale)
Returns a localised textual representation of the current value of the given field using the specified style. If there is no applicable textual representation (e.g. the field has a numeric value), then null is returned. If one does exist, then the value is obtained from {@link #get(int)} and converted appropriately. For example, if the MONTH field is requested, then get(MONTH) is called. This is then converted to a textual representation based on its value and the style requested; if the LONG style is requested and the returned value is 11 from a {@link GregorianCalendar} implementation, then "December" is returned. By default, a textual representation is available for all fields which have an applicable value obtainable from {@link java.text.DateFormatSymbols}.

Parameters: field the calendar field whose textual representation should be obtained. style the style to use; either {@link #LONG} or {@link #SHORT}. locale the locale to use for translation.

Returns: the textual representation of the given field in the specified style, or null if none is applicable.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if field or style or invalid, or the calendar is non-lenient and has invalid values. NullPointerException if locale is null.

Since: 1.6


public Map<String,Integer> getDisplayNames(int field, int style, Locale locale)
Returns a map linking all specified textual representations of the given field to their numerical values. The textual representations included are determined by the specified style and locale. For example, if the style LONG is specified and the German locale, then the map will contain "Montag" to {@link #MONDAY}, "Dienstag" to {@link #TUESDAY}, "Mittwoch" to {@link #WEDNESDAY} and so on. The default implementation uses the values returned by {@link DateFormatSymbols} so, for example, the style {@link #ALL_STYLES} and the field {@link #MONTH} will return a map filled with the values returned from {@link DateFormatSymbols#getMonths()} and {@link DateFormatSymbols#getShortMonths()}. If there are no textual representations for a given field (usually because it is purely numeric, such as the year in the {@link GregorianCalendar}), null is returned.

Parameters: field the calendar field whose textual representation should be obtained. style the style to use; either {@link #LONG}, {@link #SHORT} or {@link ALL_STYLES}. locale the locale to use for translation.

Returns: a map of the textual representations of the given field in the specified style to their numeric values, or null if none is applicable.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if field or style or invalid, or the calendar is non-lenient and has invalid values. NullPointerException if locale is null.

Since: 1.6


public int getFirstDayOfWeek()
Gets what the first day of week is. This is used for WEEK_OF_MONTH and WEEK_OF_YEAR fields.

Returns: the first day of week. One of SUNDAY to SATURDAY.


public abstract int getGreatestMinimum(int field)
Gets the greatest minimum value that is allowed for the specified field.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants.

Returns: the greatest minimum value.


public static Calendar getInstance()
Creates a calendar representing the actual time, using the default time zone and locale.

Returns: The new calendar.


public static Calendar getInstance(TimeZone zone)
Creates a calendar representing the actual time, using the given time zone and the default locale.

Parameters: zone a time zone (null not permitted).

Returns: The new calendar.

Throws: NullPointerException if zone is null.


public static Calendar getInstance(Locale locale)
Creates a calendar representing the actual time, using the default time zone and the given locale.

Parameters: locale a locale (null not permitted).

Returns: The new calendar.

Throws: NullPointerException if locale is null.


public static Calendar getInstance(TimeZone zone, Locale locale)
Creates a calendar representing the actual time, using the given time zone and locale.

Parameters: zone a time zone (null not permitted). locale a locale (null not permitted).

Returns: The new calendar.

Throws: NullPointerException if zone or locale is null.


public abstract int getLeastMaximum(int field)
Gets the smallest maximum value that is allowed for the specified field. For example this is 28 for DAY_OF_MONTH.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants.

Returns: the least maximum value.


public abstract int getMaximum(int field)
Gets the biggest value that is allowed for the specified field.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants.

Returns: the biggest value.


public int getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
Gets how many days are required in the first week of the year.

Returns: the minimal days required in the first week.

See Also: Calendar


public abstract int getMinimum(int field)
Gets the smallest value that is allowed for the specified field.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants.

Returns: the smallest value.


public final Date getTime()
Converts the time represented by this object to a Date-Object.

Returns: the Date.


public long getTimeInMillis()
Returns the time represented by this Calendar.

Returns: the time in milliseconds since the epoch.

UNKNOWN: This was made public in 1.4.


public TimeZone getTimeZone()
Gets the time zone of this calendar

Returns: the current time zone.


public int hashCode()
Returns a hash code for this calendar.

Returns: a hash code, which fullfits the general contract of hashCode()


protected final int internalGet(int field)
Gets the value of the specified field. This method doesn't recompute the fields, if they are invalid.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants.

Returns: the value of the specified field, undefined if areFieldsSet or isSet[field] is false.

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.


public boolean isLenient()
Tells if the date/time interpretation is lenient.

Returns: true, if the date should be interpreted linient, false if it should be interpreted strict.


public final boolean isSet(int field)
Determines if the specified field has a valid value.

Returns: true if the specified field has a value.

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.


public abstract void roll(int field, boolean up)
Rolls the specified time field up or down. This means add one to the specified field, but don't change the other fields. If the maximum for this field is reached, start over with the minimum value.
Note: There may be situation, where the other fields must be changed, e.g rolling the month on May, 31. The date June, 31 is automatically converted to July, 1.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants. up the direction, true for up, false for down.

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.


public void roll(int field, int amount)
Rolls up or down the specified time field by the given amount. A negative amount rolls down. The default implementation is call roll(int, boolean) for the specified amount. Subclasses should override this method to do more intuitiv things.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants. amount the amount to roll by, positive for rolling up, negative for rolling down.

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.

Since: JDK1.2


public void set(int field, int value)
Sets the time field with the given value. This does invalidate the time in milliseconds.

Parameters: field the time field. One of the time field constants value the value to be set.

Throws: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if field is outside the valid range. The value of field must be >= 0 and <= FIELD_COUNT.

UNKNOWN: Not final since JDK 1.4


public final void set(int year, int month, int date)
Sets the fields for year, month, and date

Parameters: year the year. month the month, one of the constants JANUARY..UNDICEMBER. date the day of the month


public final void set(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute)
Sets the fields for year, month, date, hour, and minute

Parameters: year the year. month the month, one of the constants JANUARY..UNDICEMBER. date the day of the month hour the hour of day. minute the minute.


public final void set(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second)
Sets the fields for year, month, date, hour, and minute

Parameters: year the year. month the month, one of the constants JANUARY..UNDICEMBER. date the day of the month hour the hour of day. minute the minute. second the second.


public void setFirstDayOfWeek(int value)
Sets what the first day of week is. This is used for WEEK_OF_MONTH and WEEK_OF_YEAR fields.

Parameters: value the first day of week. One of SUNDAY to SATURDAY.


public void setLenient(boolean lenient)
Specifies if the date/time interpretation should be lenient. If the flag is set, a date such as "February 30, 1996" will be treated as the 29th day after the February 1. If this flag is false, such dates will cause an exception.

Parameters: lenient true, if the date should be interpreted linient, false if it should be interpreted strict.


public void setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek(int value)
Sets how many days are required in the first week of the year. If the first day of the year should be the first week you should set this value to 1. If the first week must be a full week, set it to 7.

Parameters: value the minimal days required in the first week.


public final void setTime(Date date)
Sets this Calendar's time to the given Date. All time fields are invalidated by this method.

Parameters: date the date (null not permitted).

Throws: NullPointerException if date is null.


public void setTimeInMillis(long time)
Sets this Calendar's time to the given Time. All time fields are invalidated by this method.

Parameters: time the time in milliseconds since the epoch

UNKNOWN: This was made public in 1.4.


public void setTimeZone(TimeZone zone)
Sets the time zone to the specified value.

Parameters: zone the new time zone


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this object. It is mainly for debugging purposes and its content is implementation specific.