Class MBeanPermission

public class MBeanPermission extends Permission

Represents the permissions required to perform operations using the {@link MBeanServer}. As with all {@link} objects, an instance of this class either represents a permission already held or one that is required to access a particular service. In the case of {@link MBeanPermission}s, implication checks are made using an instance of this class when a user requests an operation from the server, and a {@link SecurityManager} is in place.

An {@link MBeanPermission} consists of four elements, which all have to match for the permission to be implied. These are as follows:

  1. The action. For a required permission, this is a single value. For a permission held by the user, this is a list of comma-separated actions (with spaces allowed), or * (representing all actions). {@link #getActions()} returns this value.
  2. The class name. For a required permission, this is the class name of the bean being accessed, if any. If a bean isn't involved in this action, the value is null. For a permission held by the user, it has one of three values:
    1. The empty string, implying any class.
    2. *, also implying any class.
    3. A class name pattern, which may specify a single class (e.g. java.lang.Object) or a series of classes using the wildcard character * (e.g. javax.swing.*.)
  3. The member. For a required permission, this is the member of the bean being accessed (an attribute or operation), if any. If a member of the bean isn't involved in this action, the value is null. For a permission held by the user, it has one of three values:
    1. The empty string, implying any member.
    2. *, also implying any member.
    3. The name of a member.
  4. The object name. For a required permission, this is the {@link ObjectName} of the bean being accessed, if any. If a bean isn't involved in this action, the value is null. The name may not be a pattern. For a permission held by the user, it may be the empty string (allowing everything) or an {@link ObjectName} pattern.
{@link #getName()} returns the latter three of these as a single string:


where "" is disallowed, as, although any of the elements may be omitted, not all of them should be left out simultaneously. "-" is used to represent null. When this occurs in a required permission, anything may match it. When this forms part of a permission held by the user, it only matches another null value.

The list of valid actions is as follows:

Since: 1.5

Constructor Summary
MBeanPermission(String name, String actions)
Constructs a new {@link MBeanPermission} with the specified name and actions.
MBeanPermission(String className, String member, ObjectName name, String actions)
Constructs a new {@link MBeanPermission} with the specified class name, member, object name and actions.
Method Summary
booleanequals(Object obj)
Returns true if the given object is also an {@link MBeanPermission} with the same name and actions.
Returns the list of actions in alphabetical order.
Returns the hashcode of the permission as the sum of the hashcodes of the name and actions.
booleanimplies(Permission p)

Returns true if this permission implies the supplied permission.

Constructor Detail


public MBeanPermission(String name, String actions)
Constructs a new {@link MBeanPermission} with the specified name and actions. The name is of the form className#member[objectName], where each element is optional, but a completely empty or null name is disallowed. Actions are specified as a comma-separated list and may also not be empty or null.

Parameters: name the name of the permission. actions the actions associated with this permission.

Throws: IllegalArgumentException if the name or actions are invalid.


public MBeanPermission(String className, String member, ObjectName name, String actions)
Constructs a new {@link MBeanPermission} with the specified class name, member, object name and actions. The name of the permission is created using the form className#member[objectName], where each element is optional, but an empty or null name is disallowed. Actions are specified as a comma-separated list and may also not be empty or null.

Parameters: className the name of the class to which this permission applies, or either null or "-" for a value which may be implied by any class name, but not imply any class name itself. member the member of the class to which this permission applies, or either null or "-" for a value which may be implied by any member, but not imply any member itself. objectName the {@link ObjectName} to which this permission applies, or null for a value which may be implied by any object name, but not imply any object name itself. actions the actions associated with this permission.

Method Detail


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Returns true if the given object is also an {@link MBeanPermission} with the same name and actions.

Parameters: obj the object to test.

Returns: true if the object is an {@link MBeanPermission} with the same name and actions.


public String getActions()
Returns the list of actions in alphabetical order.

Returns: the list of actions.


public int hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the permission as the sum of the hashcodes of the name and actions.

Returns: the hashcode of the permission.


public boolean implies(Permission p)

Returns true if this permission implies the supplied permission. This happens if the following holds:

Parameters: p the permission to check that this permission implies.

Returns: true if this permission implies p.