public class SwingUtilities extends Object implements SwingConstants
Method Summary | |
static Rectangle | calculateInnerArea(JComponent c, Rectangle r)
Calculates the portion of the component's bounds which is inside the
component's border insets. |
static Rectangle[] | computeDifference(Rectangle rectA, Rectangle rectB)
Subtracts a rectangle from another and return the area as an array
of rectangles.
static Rectangle | computeIntersection(int x, int y, int w, int h, Rectangle rect)
Calculates the intersection of two rectangles. |
static int | computeStringWidth(FontMetrics fm, String str)
Calculates the width of a given string.
static Rectangle | computeUnion(int x, int y, int w, int h, Rectangle rect)
Calculates the union of two rectangles. |
static MouseEvent | convertMouseEvent(Component source, MouseEvent sourceEvent, Component destination)
Convert a mouse event which refrers to one component to another. |
static Point | convertPoint(Component source, int x, int y, Component destination)
Converts a point (x,y) from the coordinate space of one
component to another. |
static Point | convertPoint(Component source, Point aPoint, Component destination) |
static void | convertPointFromScreen(Point p, Component c)
Converts a point from "screen" coordinates (such as the coordinate
space mouse events are delivered in) to a component's local coordinate
space. |
static void | convertPointToScreen(Point p, Component c)
Converts a point from a component's local coordinate space to "screen"
coordinates (such as the coordinate space mouse events are delivered
in). |
static Rectangle | convertRectangle(Component source, Rectangle rect, Component destination)
Converts a rectangle from the coordinate space of one component to
another. |
static Component | findFocusOwner(Component comp)
Returns the focus owner or null if comp is not
the focus owner or a parent of it.
static Accessible | getAccessibleAt(Component c, Point p)
Returns the Accessible child of the specified component
which appears at the supplied Point . |
static Accessible | getAccessibleChild(Component c, int i)
Returns the |
static int | getAccessibleChildrenCount(Component c)
Returns the number of |
static int | getAccessibleIndexInParent(Component c) Returns the zero-based index of the specified component within its parent. |
static AccessibleStateSet | getAccessibleStateSet(Component c)
Returns a set of |
static Container | getAncestorNamed(String name, Component comp)
Returns the least ancestor of comp which has the
specified name.
static Container | getAncestorOfClass(Class<?> c, Component comp)
Returns the least ancestor of comp which is an instance
of the specified class.
static Component | getDeepestComponentAt(Component parent, int x, int y)
Returns the deepest descendent of parent which is both visible and
contains the point (x,y) . |
static Rectangle | getLocalBounds(Component aComponent)
Calculates the bounds of a component in the component's own coordinate
space. |
static Component | getRoot(Component comp)
Returns the "root" of the component tree containint comp
The root is defined as either the least ancestor of
comp which is a {@link Window}, or the greatest
ancestor of comp which is a {@link Applet} if no {@link
Window} ancestors are found.
static JRootPane | getRootPane(Component comp)
If comp is a RootPaneContainer, return its JRootPane.
static ActionMap | getUIActionMap(JComponent component)
Returns the ActionMap that is provided by the ComponentUI of
component .
static InputMap | getUIInputMap(JComponent component, int cond)
Returns the InputMap that is provided by the ComponentUI of
component for the specified condition.
static Window | getWindowAncestor(Component comp)
Returns the first ancestor of comp that is a {@link Window}
or null if comp is not contained in a
{@link Window}.
static void | invokeAndWait(Runnable doRun)
Calls {@link java.awt.EventQueue#invokeAndWait} with the
specified {@link Runnable}. |
static void | invokeLater(Runnable doRun)
Calls {@link java.awt.EventQueue#invokeLater} with the
specified {@link Runnable}. |
static boolean | isDescendingFrom(Component a, Component b)
Return true if a descends from b, in other words if b is an ancestor of a.
static boolean | isEventDispatchThread()
Calls {@link java.awt.EventQueue#isDispatchThread()}.
static boolean | isLeftMouseButton(MouseEvent event)
Checks if left mouse button was clicked.
static boolean | isMiddleMouseButton(MouseEvent event)
Checks if middle mouse button was clicked.
static boolean | isRectangleContainingRectangle(Rectangle a, Rectangle b)
Tests if a rectangle contains another. |
static boolean | isRightMouseButton(MouseEvent event)
Checks if right mouse button was clicked.
static String | layoutCompoundLabel(JComponent c, FontMetrics fm, String text, Icon icon, int verticalAlignment, int horizontalAlignment, int verticalTextPosition, int horizontalTextPosition, Rectangle viewR, Rectangle iconR, Rectangle textR, int textIconGap) Layout a "compound label" consisting of a text string and an icon which is to be placed near the rendered text. |
static String | layoutCompoundLabel(FontMetrics fm, String text, Icon icon, int verticalAlignment, int horizontalAlignment, int verticalTextPosition, int horizontalTextPosition, Rectangle viewR, Rectangle iconR, Rectangle textR, int textIconGap) Layout a "compound label" consisting of a text string and an icon which is to be placed near the rendered text. |
static boolean | notifyAction(Action action, KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent event, Object sender, int modifiers) |
static void | paintComponent(Graphics g, Component c, Container p, int x, int y, int w, int h)
This method paints the given component at the given position and size.
static void | paintComponent(Graphics g, Component c, Container p, Rectangle r)
This method paints the given component in the given rectangle.
static boolean | processKeyBindings(KeyEvent ev)
Processes key bindings for the component that is associated with the
key event. |
static void | replaceUIActionMap(JComponent component, ActionMap uiActionMap) Change the shared, UI-managed {@link ActionMap} for a given component. |
static void | replaceUIInputMap(JComponent component, int condition, InputMap uiInputMap) Change the shared, UI-managed {@link InputMap} for a given component. |
static void | updateComponentTreeUI(Component comp)
Recursively walk the component tree under comp calling
updateUI on each {@link JComponent} found. |
static Window | windowForComponent(Component comp)
Equivalent to calling getAncestorOfClass(Window, comp) .
Parameters: c the component to measure the bounds of (if null
this method returns null
). r a carrier to store the return value in (if null
, a
new Rectangle
instance is created).
Returns: The calculated area inside the component and its border insets.
, a zero-size array is returned.Parameters: rectA The first rectangle rectB The rectangle to subtract from the first
Returns: An array of rectangles representing the area in rectA not overlapped by rectB
. This is basically the same
like {@link Rectangle#intersection(Rectangle)}, only that it does not
create new Rectangle instances. The tradeoff is that you loose any data in
Parameters: x upper-left x coodinate of first rectangle y upper-left y coodinate of first rectangle w width of first rectangle h height of first rectangle rect a Rectangle object of the second rectangle
Returns: a rectangle corresponding to the intersection of the two rectangles. An empty rectangle is returned if the rectangles do not overlap
Throws: NullPointerException if rect is null
Parameters: fm the FontMetrics
object to use str the string
Returns: the width of the the string.
. This is basically the same as
{@link Rectangle#union(Rectangle)} except that it avoids creation of new
Rectangle objects. The tradeoff is that you loose any data in
Parameters: x upper-left x coodinate of first rectangle y upper-left y coodinate of first rectangle w width of first rectangle h height of first rectangle rect a Rectangle object of the second rectangle
Returns: a rectangle corresponding to the union of the two rectangles; a rectangle encompassing both is returned if the rectangles do not overlap
Throws: NullPointerException if rect is null
, it is taken to refer to destination
root component. If destination
is null
, the
new event will remain expressed in source
's coordinate
Parameters: source The component the mouse event currently refers to sourceEvent The mouse event to convert destination The component the new mouse event should refer to
Returns: A new mouse event expressed in terms of the destination component's coordinate space, and with the destination component as its source
See Also: SwingUtilities
from the coordinate space of one
component to another. This is equivalent to converting the point from
space to screen space, then back from screen space
to destination
space. If exactly one of the two
Components is null
, it is taken to refer to the root
ancestor of the other component. If both are null
, no
transformation is done.
Parameters: source The component which the point is expressed in terms of x Horizontal coordinate of point to transform y Vertical coordinate of point to transform destination The component which the return value will be expressed in terms of
Returns: The point (x,y)
converted from the coordinate space of the
source component to the coordinate space of the destination component
See Also: SwingUtilities SwingUtilities SwingUtilities SwingUtilities
Parameters: p The point to convert c The component which the point should be expressed in terms of
Parameters: p The point to convert c The component which the point is expressed in terms of
See Also: SwingUtilities
space to screen space, then back from screen space
to destination
space. If exactly one of the two
Components is null
, it is taken to refer to the root
ancestor of the other component. If both are null
, no
transformation is done.
Parameters: source The component which the rectangle is expressed in terms of rect The rectangle to convert destination The component which the return value will be expressed in terms of
Returns: A new rectangle, equal in size to the input rectangle, but with its position converted from the coordinate space of the source component to the coordinate space of the destination component
See Also: SwingUtilities SwingUtilities SwingUtilities SwingUtilities
Deprecated: 1.4 Replaced by
if comp
is not
the focus owner or a parent of it.
Parameters: comp the focus owner or a parent of it
Returns: the focus owner, or null
child of the specified component
which appears at the supplied Point
. If there is no
child located at that particular pair of co-ordinates, null is returned
Parameters: c the component whose children may be found at the specified point. p the point at which to look for the existence of children of the specified component.
Returns: the Accessible
child at the point, p
or null if there is no child at this point.
See Also: AccessibleComponent
Returns the Accessible
child of the specified component
that has the supplied index within the parent component. The indexing
of the children is zero-based, making the first child have an index of
Caution is advised when using this method, as its operation relies on the behaviour of varying implementations of an abstract method. For greater surety, direct use of the AWT component implementation of this method is advised.
Parameters: c the component whose child should be returned. i the index of the child within the parent component.
Returns: the Accessible
child at index i
in the component, c
See Also: AccessibleContext AccessibleAWTComponent
Returns the number of Accessible
children within
the supplied component.
Caution is advised when using this method, as its operation relies on the behaviour of varying implementations of an abstract method. For greater surety, direct use of the AWT component implementation of this method is advised.
Parameters: c the component whose children should be counted.
Returns: the number of children belonging to the component,
See Also: AccessibleContext AccessibleAWTComponent
Returns the zero-based index of the specified component within its parent. If the component doesn't have a parent, -1 is returned.
Caution is advised when using this method, as its operation relies on the behaviour of varying implementations of an abstract method. For greater surety, direct use of the AWT component implementation of this method is advised.
Parameters: c the component whose parental index should be found.
Returns: the index of the component within its parent, or -1 if the component doesn't have a parent.
See Also: AccessibleContext AccessibleAWTComponent
Returns a set of AccessibleState
s, which represent
the state of the supplied component.
Caution is advised when using this method, as its operation relies on the behaviour of varying implementations of an abstract method. For greater surety, direct use of the AWT component implementation of this method is advised.
Parameters: c the component whose accessible state should be retrieved.
Returns: a set of AccessibleState
objects, which represent
the state of the supplied component.
See Also: AccessibleContext AccessibleAWTComponent
which has the
specified name.
Parameters: name The name to search for comp The component to search the ancestors of
Returns: The nearest ancestor of comp
with the given
name, or null
if no such ancestor exists
See Also: Component SwingUtilities
which is an instance
of the specified class.
Parameters: c The class to search for comp The component to search the ancestors of
Returns: The nearest ancestor of comp
which is an instance
of the given class, or null
if no such ancestor exists
See Also: SwingUtilities SwingUtilities
. Returns parent when either
parent is not a container, or has no children which contain
. Returns null
when either
is outside the bounds of parent, or parent is
Parameters: parent The component to search the descendents of x Horizontal coordinate to search for y Vertical coordinate to search for
Returns: A component containing (x,y)
, or
See Also: Container
Parameters: aComponent The component to measure
Returns: The component's bounds in its local coordinate space
The root is defined as either the least ancestor of
which is a {@link Window}, or the greatest
ancestor of comp
which is a {@link Applet} if no {@link
Window} ancestors are found.
Parameters: comp The component to search for a root
Returns: The root of the component's tree, or null
is a RootPaneContainer, return its JRootPane.
Otherwise call getAncestorOfClass(JRootPane.class, a)
Parameters: comp The component to get the JRootPane of
Returns: a suitable JRootPane for comp
, or null
See Also: RootPaneContainer SwingUtilities
Parameters: component the component for which the ActionMap is returned
for the specified condition.
Parameters: component the component for which the InputMap is returned cond the condition that specifies which of the three input maps should be returned, may be {@link JComponent#WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW}, {@link JComponent#WHEN_FOCUSED} or {@link JComponent#WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT}
Returns: The input map.
that is a {@link Window}
or null
if comp
is not contained in a
{@link Window}.
This is equivalent to calling
getAncestorOfClass(Window, comp)
Parameters: comp the component for which we are searching the ancestor Window
Returns: the first ancestor Window of comp
if comp
is not contained in a Window
Parameters: a The child to search the ancestry of b The potential ancestor to search for
Returns: true if a is a descendent of b, false otherwise
Returns: true
if the current thread is the current AWT event
dispatch thread.
Parameters: event the event to check
Returns: true if left mouse was clicked, false otherwise.
Parameters: event the event to check
Returns: true if middle mouse was clicked, false otherwise.
Parameters: a first rectangle b second rectangle
Returns: true if a contains b, false otherwise
Throws: NullPointerException
Parameters: event the event to check
Returns: true if right mouse was clicked, false otherwise.
Layout a "compound label" consisting of a text string and an icon which is to be placed near the rendered text. Once the text and icon are laid out, the text rectangle and icon rectangle parameters are altered to store the calculated positions.
The size of the text is calculated from the provided font metrics object. This object should be the metrics of the font you intend to paint the label with.
The position values control where the text is placed relative to
the icon. The horizontal position value should be one of the constants
. The vertical position value
should be one fo the constants TOP
The text-icon gap value controls the number of pixels between the icon and the text.
The alignment values control where the text and icon are placed, as
a combined unit, within the view rectangle. The horizontal alignment
value should be one of the constants LEADING
. The vertical alignment valus should be one of the
constants TOP
constants are
given for horizontal alignment or horizontal text position, they are
interpreted relative to the provided component's orientation property,
a constant in the {@link java.awt.ComponentOrientation} class. For
example, if the component's orientation is LEFT_TO_RIGHT
then the LEADING
value is a synonym for LEFT
and the TRAILING
value is a synonym for
If the text and icon are equal to or larger than the view rectangle, the horizontal and vertical alignment values have no affect.
Parameters: c A component used for its orientation value fm The font metrics used to measure the text text The text to place in the compound label icon The icon to place next to the text verticalAlignment The vertical alignment of the label relative to its component horizontalAlignment The horizontal alignment of the label relative to its component verticalTextPosition The vertical position of the label's text relative to its icon horizontalTextPosition The horizontal position of the label's text relative to its icon viewR The view rectangle, specifying the area which layout is constrained to iconR A rectangle which is modified to hold the laid-out position of the icon textR A rectangle which is modified to hold the laid-out position of the text textIconGap The distance between text and icon
Returns: The string of characters, possibly truncated with an elipsis, which is laid out in this label
Layout a "compound label" consisting of a text string and an icon which is to be placed near the rendered text. Once the text and icon are laid out, the text rectangle and icon rectangle parameters are altered to store the calculated positions.
The size of the text is calculated from the provided font metrics object. This object should be the metrics of the font you intend to paint the label with.
The position values control where the text is placed relative to
the icon. The horizontal position value should be one of the constants
. The
vertical position value should be one fo the constants
The text-icon gap value controls the number of pixels between the icon and the text.
The alignment values control where the text and icon are placed, as
a combined unit, within the view rectangle. The horizontal alignment
value should be one of the constants LEFT
. The vertical alignment valus should be one of the
constants TOP
If the text and icon are equal to or larger than the view rectangle, the horizontal and vertical alignment values have no affect.
Note that this method does not know how to deal with
horizontal alignments or positions given as LEADING
values. Use the other overloaded variant of this
method if you wish to use such values.
Parameters: fm The font metrics used to measure the text text The text to place in the compound label icon The icon to place next to the text verticalAlignment The vertical alignment of the label relative to its component horizontalAlignment The horizontal alignment of the label relative to its component verticalTextPosition The vertical position of the label's text relative to its icon horizontalTextPosition The horizontal position of the label's text relative to its icon viewR The view rectangle, specifying the area which layout is constrained to iconR A rectangle which is modified to hold the laid-out position of the icon textR A rectangle which is modified to hold the laid-out position of the text textIconGap The distance between text and icon
Returns: The string of characters, possibly truncated with an elipsis, which is laid out in this label
Parameters: g The Graphics object to draw with. c The Component to draw p The Container to reparent to. x The x coordinate to draw at. y The y coordinate to draw at. w The width of the drawing area. h The height of the drawing area.
Parameters: g The Graphics object to draw with. c The Component to draw p The Container to reparent to. r The rectangle that describes the drawing area.
that has a binding
for the key event in the WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW scope.
Parameters: ev the key event
Returns: true
if a binding has been found and processed,
Since: 1.4
Change the shared, UI-managed {@link ActionMap} for a given component. ActionMaps are arranged in a hierarchy, in order to encourage sharing of common actions between components. The hierarchy unfortunately places UI-managed ActionMaps at the end of the parent-pointer chain, as illustrated:
[{@link javax.swing.JComponent#getActionMap()}] --> [{@link javax.swing.ActionMap}] parent --> [{@link javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.KeymapActionMap}] parent --> [{@link javax.swing.plaf.ActionMapUIResource}]
Our goal with this method is to replace the first ActionMap along this chain which is an instance of {@link ActionMapUIResource}, since these are the ActionMaps which are supposed to be shared between components.
If the provided ActionMap is null
, we interpret the
call as a request to remove the UI-managed ActionMap from the
component's ActionMap parent chain.
Change the shared, UI-managed {@link InputMap} for a given component. InputMaps are arranged in a hierarchy, in order to encourage sharing of common input mappings between components. The hierarchy unfortunately places UI-managed InputMaps at the end of the parent-pointer chain, as illustrated:
[{@link javax.swing.JComponent#getInputMap()}] --> [{@link javax.swing.InputMap}] parent --> [{@link javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.KeymapWrapper}] parent --> [{@link javax.swing.plaf.InputMapUIResource}]
Our goal with this method is to replace the first InputMap along this chain which is an instance of {@link InputMapUIResource}, since these are the InputMaps which are supposed to be shared between components.
If the provided InputMap is null
, we interpret the
call as a request to remove the UI-managed InputMap from the
component's InputMap parent chain.
on each {@link JComponent} found. This causes
the entire tree to re-initialize its UI delegates.
Parameters: comp The component to walk the children of, calling updateUI
getAncestorOfClass(Window, comp)
Parameters: comp The component to search for an ancestor window
Returns: An ancestral window, or null
if none exists