public interface CallableStatement extends PreparedStatement
Method Summary | |
Array | getArray(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Array .
Array | getArray(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Array .
BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(int index, int scale)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
BigDecimal .
BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
BigDecimal .
BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
BigDecimal .
Blob | getBlob(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Blob .
Blob | getBlob(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Blob .
boolean | getBoolean(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
boolean .
boolean | getBoolean(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
boolean .
byte | getByte(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
byte .
byte | getByte(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
byte .
byte[] | getBytes(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
byte array.
byte[] | getBytes(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
byte array.
Clob | getClob(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Clob .
Clob | getClob(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Clob .
Date | getDate(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Date .
Date | getDate(int index, Calendar cal)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Date .
Date | getDate(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Date .
Date | getDate(String name, Calendar cal)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Date .
double | getDouble(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
double .
double | getDouble(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
double .
float | getFloat(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
float .
float | getFloat(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
float .
int | getInt(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
int .
int | getInt(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
int .
long | getLong(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
long .
long | getLong(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
long .
Object | getObject(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Object .
Object | getObject(int index, Map<String,Class<?>> map)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Object .
Object | getObject(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Object .
Object | getObject(String name, Map<String,Class<?>> map)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Object using the specified mapping for conversion from
SQL to Java types.
Ref | getRef(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Ref .
Ref | getRef(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
Ref .
short | getShort(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
short .
short | getShort(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
short .
String | getString(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
String .
String | getString(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
String .
Time | getTime(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Time .
Time | getTime(int index, Calendar cal)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Time .
Time | getTime(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Time .
Time | getTime(String name, Calendar cal)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Time .
Timestamp | getTimestamp(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Timestamp .
Timestamp | getTimestamp(int index, Calendar cal)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Timestamp .
Timestamp | getTimestamp(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Timestamp .
Timestamp | getTimestamp(String name, Calendar cal)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java
java.sql.Timestamp .
URL | getURL(int index)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java .
URL | getURL(String name)
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java .
void | registerOutParameter(int index, int sqlType)
This method registers the specified parameter as an output parameter
of the specified SQL type.
void | registerOutParameter(int index, int sqlType, int scale)
This method registers the specified parameter as an output parameter
of the specified SQL type and scale.
void | registerOutParameter(int index, int sqlType, String typeName)
This method registers the specified parameter as an output parameter
of the specified SQL type.
void | registerOutParameter(String name, int sqlType)
This method registers the specified parameter as an output parameter
of the specified SQL type.
void | registerOutParameter(String name, int sqlType, int scale)
This method registers the specified parameter as an output parameter
of the specified SQL type. |
void | registerOutParameter(String name, int sqlType, String typeName)
This method registers the specified parameter as an output parameter
of the specified SQL type. |
void | setAsciiStream(String name, InputStream stream, int count)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
ASCII InputStream value.
void | setBigDecimal(String name, BigDecimal value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
BigDecimal value.
void | setBinaryStream(String name, InputStream stream, int count)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
binary InputStream value.
void | setBoolean(String name, boolean value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
boolean value.
void | setByte(String name, byte value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
byte value.
void | setBytes(String name, byte[] value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
byte array value.
void | setCharacterStream(String name, Reader reader, int count)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
character Reader value.
void | setDate(String name, Date value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
java.sql.Date value.
void | setDate(String name, Date value, Calendar cal)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
java.sql.Date value.
void | setDouble(String name, double value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
double value.
void | setFloat(String name, float value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
float value.
void | setInt(String name, int value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
int value.
void | setLong(String name, long value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
long value.
void | setNull(String name, int sqlType)
This method populates the specified parameter with a SQL NULL value
for the specified type.
void | setNull(String name, int sqlType, String typeName)
This method populates the specified parameter with a SQL NULL value
for the specified type.
void | setObject(String name, Object value, int sqlType, int scale)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
Object value. |
void | setObject(String name, Object value, int sqlType)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
Object value. |
void | setObject(String name, Object value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
Object value. |
void | setShort(String name, short value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
short value.
void | setString(String name, String value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
String value.
void | setTime(String name, Time value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
java.sql.Time value.
void | setTime(String name, Time value, Calendar cal)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
java.sql.Time value.
void | setTimestamp(String name, Timestamp value)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
java.sql.Timestamp value.
void | setTimestamp(String name, Timestamp value, Calendar cal)
This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java
java.sql.Timestamp value.
void | setURL(String name, URL value)
This method sets the value of the specified parameter to the specified
boolean | wasNull()
This method tests whether the value of the last parameter that was fetched
was actually a SQL NULL value.
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a Array
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a Array
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Deprecated: Use getBigDecimal(int index) or getBigDecimal(String name) instead.
This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a JavaBigDecimal
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return. scale The number of digits to the right of the decimal to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a BigDecimal
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a BigDecimal
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a BigDecimal
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a Blob
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a Blob
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a boolean
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a boolean
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a byte
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a byte
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a byte array
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a byte[]
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a Clob
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a Clob
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Date
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return. cal The Calendar
to use for timezone and locale.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Date
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Date
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return. cal The Calendar
to use for timezone and locale.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Date
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a double
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a double
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a float
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a float
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a int
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a int
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a long
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a long
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as an Object
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return. map The mapping to use for conversion from SQL to Java types.
Returns: The parameter value as an Object
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a Object
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
using the specified mapping for conversion from
SQL to Java types.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return. map The mapping to use for conversion from SQL to Java types.
Returns: The parameter value as an Object
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a Ref
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a Ref
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a short
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a short
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a String
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a String
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Time
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return. cal The Calendar
to use for timezone and locale.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Time
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Time
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return. cal The Calendar
to use for timezone and locale.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Time
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Timestamp
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Timestamp
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Timestamp
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return. cal The Calendar
to use for timezone and locale.
Returns: The parameter value as a java.sql.Timestamp
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a URL
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to return.
Returns: The parameter value as a
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to register as output. sqlType The SQL type value from Types
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to register as output. sqlType The SQL type value from Types
. scale The scale of the value that will be returned.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Parameters: index The index of the parameter to register as output. sqlType The SQL type value from Types
. typeName The user defined data type name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.2
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to register as output. sqlType The SQL type value from Types
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to register as output. sqlType The SQL type value from Types
. scale Number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to register as output. sqlType The SQL type value from Types
. typeName The SQL structured type name.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. stream The stream from which the parameter value is read. count The number of bytes in the stream.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. stream The stream from which the parameter value is read. count The number of bytes in the stream.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
array value.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. reader The reader from which the parameter value is read. count The number of characters in the stream.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter. cal The Calendar
to use for timezone and locale.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to set. sqlType The SQL type identifier of the parameter from
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to set. sqlType The SQL type identifier of the parameter from
typeName The name of the data type, for user defined types.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
value. The specified SQL object type will be used.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter. sqlType The SQL type to use for the parameter, from
scale The scale of the value, for numeric values only.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
See Also: Types
value. The specified SQL object type will be used.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter. sqlType The SQL type to use for the parameter, from
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
See Also: Types
value. The default object type to SQL type mapping
will be used.
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter. cal The Calendar
to use for timezone and locale.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter value to set. value The value of the parameter. cal The Calendar
to use for timezone and locale.
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.
Since: 1.4
Parameters: name The name of the parameter to set. value The value the parameter.
Since: 1.4
Returns: true
if the last parameter fetched was a NULL,
Throws: SQLException If an error occurs.